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Wagers Over Ale (2019) by QuetzaDrake

Wagers Over Ale (2019)


This was a Christmas gift last year for Kim ( :userinsanityshotgun: ) featuring our current Pathfinder characters Lydia and Armin!

These two have managed to share a few moments together both in and out of combat thus far. They've shared good and bad times with the whole party thus far like horrible monsters attacking them and some sort of nightmare conspiracy, but they've gotten to be alone with each other a couple of times and shared ales, a hug, and some common ground in their upbringings as members of mildly-famous upper-middle-class merchant-noble families.

One of the first ideas in my head concerning Armin's creation was him offering a bet to someone that they couldn't hit him in a certain amount of time, just as a foundation for that aspect of his personality and motivations. That inspired this particular moment that has yet to actually happen in-game, but it seemed appropriate to depict.

Also, not to get too into it, but as an aside, these characters by design have WAAAAY less secrets going on than our previous Pathfinder characters Sifra and Milo did. It was really cool to hold onto big secrets and reveals for years and years, but this time it was refreshing to just be a lot more open and less tight-lipped usually about this kind of stuff.

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