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Never Given by QuentixStarwing

Never Given

The most empty time, that which roils and turns with false feelings
Just dread and darkness linger on the horizon, someone should not struggle if the end does not have meaning
But the struggle to remain afloat stands as a testament on the heart
A burden that will not be forgotten or so easily carried
Like weight, it doubles and can triple in an instant
Sacred as the thoughts of wanting to forget, perhaps to limit the flow
A drag towards the center of a whorl, which leads past the event horizon of a fate
Something that is ill that must be staved off and ignored, burned into a mind
Etched and dragged into the darkness where it would smother one
Until the light shines down and break the whorl, freeing the soul tattered within
This is the very test of words that exist in a place, like a demand that must be met
Lack of work or perhaps choice of work should be pushed harder
Because of a demand that must be met, this is the idea that is pushed
Perhaps one that shall be etched into the bones or perhaps a tombstone of value
It is a thing worth the struggle, perhaps something that can be made of an event
Partway down the path, unbroken is a place where a better outlook awaits.

Never Given


What this piece came to mean to me is something unclear, just written all at once after some thoughts came to mind. It feels good to have here, as if it captured a moment like all poetry does. But it is a mystery that I share, no less to me, the writer, than to those who decide to read it. As always, I hope you can enjoy it, this raw piece, comes without barriers.

Please Enjoy!

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