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Rain Drops from the North by QuentixStarwing

Rain Drops from the North

The weather is a very unpredictable thing
Whether scholars or eyes of the people look upon it
Guesses range from accurate to far off base
Within a realm of some certainty, most shall pass proper
Leaving those who speak to bolster their falsehoods

Without reason enough to know weather completely
Each person that wanders with words shall know defeats constant
While not in big squares or tournaments, little losses that pile up
Soon swallow their charges, and to this without those fools knowing
As big heads that have means of swelling, often do not show change

Whether prodded or tempted by the chalice before them
Those who are reading shall all be in wonder, when asked the question
Art thou worthy of the tempting tempest chalice before thee?
The answer strikes most painfully and without warrant
Nay the fiends who profess worth lack much in their backing
All they shall find is that small defeats are weights and chains

The would-be rewards given for gains are naught but a disguised loss, and the Rain Drops from the north are no different.

Rain Drops from the North


A poem that came to be whilst watching rain, I feel that it makes a few things clear, and perhaps some others unclear, either way I wanted to share this strange one that came to mind today. Enjoy!

Hope it is enjoyed =)!

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