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I'm currently a Las Vegas fur, but originally from Chicago and lived a few other places around the U.S. growing up. I've been following the furry community as a lurker since the mid-90's but have only been actively communicating and participating since around 2011. I'm not really a super-artistic person but dabble in drawing (combine photos in MS paint, trace off screen, color it in lol), writing (finished a novella, thinking of extending it into a longer work), and have managed to complete building a few fursuits (with plans for future creations/revisions). I've been to a few cons thus far and plan to attend more as money and vacation time allow. I'm also an old-school PC gamer (miss the good old days of DOS) and a chef by trade.

Latest Journal

Premade Fursuit In-Progress

As people on my friends/follow list know by now, I've been working on a new costume to be sold as a pre-made fursuit. This is a semi-realistic feathered raptor/deinonychus/generic dromaeosaurid. It's still not completed yet, with only the feet and taill 100% as of this post, but i have progress made on the head & hands, and a pattern & digitigrade foam for the bodysuit.

As with other costumes I've made, this is shaping up to be somewhat experimental in some ways due to my inexperience with craft feathers, faux fur, bodysuits, feet, and limb padding. So far everything seems to be working out alright (though i did end up carving foam for the feet about 3 or 4 times before I was satisfied with how the toes look).

Now, as said above, this is for eventual sale/auction upon completion. Thus far I've only done one commission suit and don't really know much about sales (not to mention being hesitant to do regular commission work due to having a full-time job elsewhere). I know not many people respond to be posts (which i can understand since I don't respond to many myself). However, I'm looking to get feedback/critique on both how the various pieces look as I complete them and post pics, as well as any advice on sales beyond just throwing it up on Furbid and hoping for the best. I do really like seeing how other fursuit makers do things since aside from basic stuff, everyone has their own styles & methods.

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    Hey no, prob. Trying to get a bit more active here since a lot of people seem to be moving over from FA again.

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    Hey Paul, thanks for the follow!