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Big City PG9: Babysitter Hermes! by Pandactyle

Big City PG9: Babysitter Hermes!


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    Bonus page! Feels like Christmas XD Poor Hermes, sounds like they're just asking to get stolen there XD I like the rat paw on his speech bubble, don't know why I find it so cute. Also cute is grass face XD

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      Yas! I've finally finished X-mas shopping. <3 (And most wrapping.) Thank gewsh! I liked his paw a lot, too, for some reason, so I kept it from being hidden! Glad I'm not the only one!

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        Yay :D I did all mine online this year, I don't deal with Christmas crush very well XD

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          I was doing some online, but I found out Amazon sends an email every time you buy something off their list. >:T

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            Does it tell them who bought it? It may just send them an email saying SOMEONE bought it so they can remove it from the list and don't get multiples (unless they want multiples as some things like Lego and other construction sets are better in multiples).

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              It doesn't tell them who bought it, but it tells them what was bought, so it kinda ruins the surprise of it all. :P It also automatically removes it from the list if you buy it off amazon.

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                Maybe trying to build anticipation XD Nah I think if they autoremove it from the list then they have to notify the account owner because it's bad form to modify someone's account :)

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                  Makes sense. :P We started to try to all talk to each other about who was buying what so that he didn't figure it out. Lmao

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                    Spreading confusion and misdirection, one way to go about things XD