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50 Shades of Cray 1 by OddOly

50 Shades of Cray 1


This moment is pretty far ahead in Cop Story future but I decided to indulge myself and draw it now anyway. Because I felt like it? Someday I'll get to it chronologically, draw it again and it will be fun to look back at it.

For those of you who didn't have enough of profanities yet there's a PAGE 2.

You will probably need to read these pages to get a better understanding of what’s going on:

You will also need to know that at some point after the pages above Quinton tries to kill himself and the cops stop him. Chauncey tries to understand what exactly was going on and eventually asks Llane to talk to Quinton since supposedly they have some common ground.

The conversation goes in the direction most conversations end up going but what Llane means is something like this:

  • You (almost) certainly don’t deserve the bad things that happened to you.
  • But the same is true for (nearly) everyone.
  • There are people who suffered more than you or suffered in different ways.
  • There are also people who claim that their papercut hurt more than that time you lost your entire arm (and the fact that they don’t remember where and how they got the papercut is due their memory blocking out the highly traumatic event). Do not try arguing or competing with them.
  • Try to be kind to others. Don’t expect them to treat you the same way.
  • Never expect anyone to change who they are because of who you are.

I’ve spent a while thinking on this. These ideas won’t make you feel better but they might make you a more reasonable human being and help to avoid getting hurt unexpectedly.

And yes, I thought of inventing an awful book title but then I thought it would be funnier with an actually existing awful book.

Oh, the shorts have their own tumblr as well so be sure to hit the cast up with your questions (though Quinton says he prefers booze and cash) here. As well as the usual links:

Cop Story site
Cop Story tumblr

Cop Story and Quad Story © Oly R.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    "Try to be kind to others. Don’t expect them to treat you the same way.
    Never expect anyone to change who they are because of who you are."

    God, I wish more people realized this. The angst that so many people feel, I think, comes so much from these two concepts. Finding value in the act of kindness itself is a hard thing for many to grasp; it's not about the payoff, it's simply about the act. Great to see this in art form, and kick ass to see a really cool style here. I just read a bunch of this stuff thanks to running into your journal, this is definitely Follow worthy.

    • Link

      Aw, thank you! :)

      Yeah, it's a thing that's hard to figure out and harder to follow even after you already figured it out. I wish I could write about these things without getting hurt first but unfortunately most emotional things in my comics come from something I came across. Everyone wants their individual quirks respected these days and few people seem to realise that we all have our own quirks so there's no reason one person should get everything their way all the time. I think it's about co-existence, live and let live and all that, but it's rarely perfect.

      • Link

        Most of the best forms of artistic expression come from being hurt, in my short, almost 25 years of life experience. It's something we can all relate to, no matter what our station in life is. Even now, I'm only just figuring out what I said above, and it was truly an enlightening moment; even so, I find I have to correct myself pretty often, but I'm catching it now. Nobody's the center of the universe, and we're kinda brought up in the way that we are. :P So I totally agree, and I can't wait to finish looking through your gallery/see what else is coming.

        • Link

          Yeah, very true about being hurt, I think! I'm not sure if it makes people relate better though - sometimes it does and people who have been through pain go to great length to prevent other getting hurt, sometimes it doesn't and hurt people become oblivious to any pain around them besides their own. This comic is sort of about it too, there's no exact way to measure pain and yet people keep trying to compare scores. I know I did it at some point too, and it was wrong to start doing that.

          And aw, it's nice knowing you're looking at my art. Thank you. :)