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A Captain's wisdom by Novoy

A Captain's wisdom


I re-watched The Adventures of Tintin last night (before my Dad introduced us to The Blues Brothers) and I got inspired. Did a few doodles this morning, then made this. I really, really like that quote of Captain Haddock’s. When I first watched the movie, my mind was blown.
Edit: Why yes, I am aware I hecked up and accidentally removed ‘you hit a wall’. I’m trying not to hit my head against one, now.

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    I think the movie did a really good adaption of the original comic, for being CG'ed. :)

    Great work! :D

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      I think so too! My whole family (minus Dad, who didn't watch it because he's picky about animated movies) loves it. :P

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        I watched it awhile back when it first came out on DVD...I got lucky, because the Library I work at had the graphic novels, so I was able to read them first. They didn't try to change a lot, like some movies will. :)

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          Hahaha we have a small collection of the comics, and they're very.... loved. XD The poor things look worn, but at least it's from being read! :D

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            Then they are happy to be read! :D

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    This makes me want to watch it. I read the comics as a kid, this sounds like the movie did a really good job in adapting from the comics.