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Julian design evolution by Nomax

Julian design evolution


And next up in the design evolution series we got Julian. Who clearly never managed to even get close to the heights of his pre-release placeholder. But you know, some of us just peak really early. Can't hold it against Jules.

And yeah, he also had an intermediate step between version 1 and 2, so the template broke and I was too lazy to sort it out. But yeah, a design where I knew very early that I wasn't quite happy with it, and it only continued on as I got to know the character better and developed a better feel for him as he became the kind of playfully bratty lizard that he is now. So yeah, A redesign was most certainly in order and he's one of the ones that that probably had the biggest glow-up between v1 and v2.

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  • Link

    Now he's bigger than the rest!

    • Link

      Haha, nah it's just the image i had of the newest version and it had to be stretched a bit differently to fill out the space.

  • Link

    I really like seeing how the outfit changed on this one! Despite the overall changes, the outfit still carries a lot of the same ideas from version to version.

    • Link

      Thank you. Yeah kind of goes for all characters that the base idea of them I was very happy with pretty much from the start. So it's really just been adjustments and refinement while trying to keep idea alive.