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Lil' Red by Nashoba Hostina

Lil' Red

Nashoba Hostina

Another oldie, but goodie! At the time, I wrote: A decade had passed since The Incident.

People in town… don’t like to remember it much. Not even the hunter whom saved me, it seems. I think he’s ashamed he didn’t get to me sooner. But the damage had been done. G’ma… well, at least she’s at peace. She was an astounding member of our community, and her absence has left a small void in her place. No one could ever hope to fill the role she served. As for me… well, obviously, I lived. The story we tell outsiders is that of a huge mangy wolf that gobbled people up. But we here all know it was a rogue werewolf who had plagued our woods.

However, while I was rescued from being torn to shreds, it seems that when I was bitten by the beast, it’s traits were passed unto me. And while I don’t spend my time in the woods tearing people to shreds, it is out town’s little secret. The lovely, sought after Lil’ Red of this village becomes a beast at night, and runs off with the willo’ whisps.

A decade has passed, and I have lived with this curse, bestowed with a wolf’s fangs.

And I have grown to like it.

Well, this peice has fought me the whole way. Took forever to make, and there are still things that I wish had turned out better, or differently. But, at least it was good practice for the next peice, and it turned out okay.

Thank you all for looking, take care guys!

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


  • Link

    In anyways, it's still great to see this one again ^^

  • Link

    I've seen this one before.

    • Link

      Yes you have. As I said in the artist's comments, It's an old piece I did.

      • Link

        I really do enjoy your werewolf art.

  • Link

    Love this peice

  • Link

    OH My! Do so very approve.