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moth / moth swarm / the zone

memein on ya
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hey! im moth or sofie and im an 19 yr old college student who is generally ok at a lot of things. i draw in my spare time and i am going to use this simply for archiving my work. i'm sorry.

(ps! i got my icon from here)



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get to know meememememe (meme)

What's your real name?
sofia technically but sofie is fine too id

How tall are you?
5'2". a small

What's your natural hair color?
blondeishhhhh reeeeedddishhhhhh????? brown???? i have no idea

What's your eye color?
greenish hazel

What's your orientation?
androsexual-ish possibly demisexual panromantic.??

Are you single, taken or undecided?
single probably for eternity tbh :^(

What do you do in your spare time?
draw, talk 2 friends, be useless, think about making sure my muscles dont atrophy but i dont really care all that much

What's your job or occupation?
i dont have one which i should def fix i need to find a work study job so i can afford college... rip

What do you like about yourself?
i think im very loyal and good at listening to people?

What do you dislike about yourself?
some appearance related stuff and the fact that i habitually try to keep myself from being guilty i try to put blame on other ppl/outside sources when thats not really the case. i have a tendency to lie compulsively over very small things (like a weird event that happened at school or something idk why)

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
i have. no idea id say probably that i was really. weird and a bit obnoxious

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
none. my moms a militant atheist and my dad is vaguely protestant christian and we celebrate holidays due to just. tradition rather than actual belief in anything. im interested in witchcraft, possibly cain worship but im very bad at learning things and creeds i just kind of Exist

Do you drink?
i physically cant tbh anything above a few sips gives me an instant hangover within minutes.

Do you smoke?
weed sometimes but not often

What are your major fears?
loneliness and never achieving all the stuff i wanna do which isnt very much at all. mainly never having kids

Do you have any dreams or goals?
ummm get published have a cool house have kids???? ideally find someone 2 marry but i have a feeling that wont ever happen ):

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
yeah i have like an ex and a few ex crushes and people i almost dated but didnt

Who's your best buddy?
thats hard 2 pick!!! im v close with my friends nikki n toria but in general i love all my friends the same ^

What's your favorite dish?
chicken n mushroom pie. hamburgs. meat in general is sooooo goood

What's your favorite drink? superior to coke tbh

What's your favorite color?
thats so hard???? prussian blue is nice. i like a lot of greys and mossy/swampy greens.... darker shades of red and also gold? more or less All of them

If you had a super power, what would it be?
ideally shapeshifting

What's your favorite movie?
mnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnnnnnnn i have one but i cant remember it

What's your least favorite food?
cooked vegetables and fruits :/// i prefer raw vegetables n i cant stand fruit in ice cream or in cookies. nuts too. i dont like nuts unless theyre heavily slated bc i r eally like salty stuff

What's the last meal you want before you die?
i am immortal flies into the sunset

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
usually my moms 96 subaru outback or my dads ford explorer hybrid and i dont really have a preference 4 cars but it has to have a) seats that arent pleather/leather/material that burns ur poor ass when u sit down in the summer b) not be shitty looking??? would b cool if i had a car that looked like a 1929 stearns knight but w better gas mileage and could turn into a dragon but

What is your most disliked bug?
mosquitos are the antichrist and not in a good way
house centipedes r creepy they get very big and have way too many legs they confuse me?

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
i have misophonia so when ppl are kissing within my vicinity i want to literally murder them

What do you dislike in life?
how society puts a huge pressure on us to Work Constantly in order to have any sense of worth
capitalism basically?

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