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How I reacted to The Amazing Spider-Man 2's ending by Marwan

How I reacted to The Amazing Spider-Man 2's ending


Bigger version of this comic is in my Patreon page, if you want:

Also on Tumblr: I really oughta start posting more stuff on my Tumblr, too.

This is, quite literally, how I reacted to the ending when I watched The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (the 2014 one) in the cinema...

Of course, this is before I later found out that Gwen Stacy had always doomed to die in the Spider-Man canon as a whole. x_x She died in the original Spider-Man comic, which totally shocked readers on that time. So it seemed tragically fitting that she'd also die in the movie as well.

The original version of this had a slightly different dialogue than this one. I edited it to better match the one in the movie. I really shouldn’t rely too much on my failing memory. =_=

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    My reaction was more along the lines of: "Ok, the web slowed her down. She'll be fine. ...Why is she limp? Wait...she's DEAD? HOW!?"

    xD From my perspective, it looked like the web had slowed her down enough that the impact on the ground was far from fatal - not even bruise-worthy, really. Like the bungee properties of the webbing would've halted her fall completely by the time she reached the ground as it is. This is why I was confused when she had evidently died, it looked...too slow to be fatal.

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      I think it's multiple factors at work here. In the original Spider-Man comic which depicted how Gwen Stacy died, Spider-Man tugged his web so hard that the resulting whiplash broke her neck. While yes, she could've survived in the movie because the web slowed her descend enough that the impact shouldn't be fatal, unfortunately, her head was still moving at terminal velocity that her head slammed onto the floor hard, possibly causing a fatal brain hemorrhage that killed her. That, and possible spinal damage as well.