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Partalan sketch by LunaMoon

Partalan sketch


Partalan, the Hyporest

Hyporest is a social species in the MooNone universe. They are about two times bigger than an average MooNone and doesn't have any magic abilities, but they can sense magic from far away. They live in a colossal mushroom that grew for millions of years in the ocean until it reached the surface and formed an entire island called Chroma Island, the mushroom feeds on the energy that magic creatures have so the Hyporests have been hunting MooNones to save their home.

They have claws on the front and paws on the back legs, wings that are not made of feathers since there are no feathers in this universe, all wings are made of a different kind of material that is more similar to insects wings but it's put like feathers.
They are a bit aggressive, have 4 ears, a lot of fur in their heads and neck, strong jaws, they can grab smaller creatures with their claws and fly very fast.

As adults, female size is about 1,25m (4,1 ft) in height and male is only 1m (3,2 ft). For comparison, MooNones have a max size of 60cm (1,9 ft). I don't know if they are more canine or feline, maybe both together. They eat fungi stuff, basically they can eat the ground of their home.
They are mostly inspired by Griffin creatures.

There are more species in MooNone, social species and non-social that I'll talk about later :D

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    This looks pretty cool! :D

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      Thank you ^^

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        You’re most welcome! :)