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Avatar for Lullabeezz


Zookie / 16 / Female

Hello this is Neil Cicierega aka Lemon Demon /j
Trades: Sometimes


I made this account a while back but never used it oops- I'm more active on Instagram!





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    Hello! Welcome to weasyl and thank you for following! ^w^ my apologies for not vouching you sooner, I didn't recognise your previous name.. ^-^; but no worries, i searched your new username and realised that you're an artist so i thought you'd be safe to vouch :3 sorry about that, I hope you enjoy it here tho!

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      Thank ya! That was very appreciated

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        no problemo! ^w^

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          I also wanna thank you for following! 💛 I appreciate it lots ^w^

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            Oh, hey, you're welcome!! :D I'm not sure why I unfollowed you last time? I think I got scared you'd get weirded out because you're still the only person I'm following on here but I'm still figuring out how to use the site and Idk many artists that have a Weasyl, lol. I kinda just made an account and never used the site again. Your art is really cute btw!

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              Ohh yeah I can understand that :o some peeps can get a little suspicious about new accounts especially if they're mostly empty, which I can totally understand too! But seeing the previous comments, I think I remember now that I did a little research before and learnt that you seemed safe to me, so it's okay! ^-^ but it's good to be cautious y'know? I have bullies and harassers that are still after me and out for blood so I gotta be safe QwQ but unlike them, I don't judge a book by its cover, I like to do a bit of learning before moving forward
              I had a feeling you were inactive too but it's okie, it happens UwU I forget so much foguiofguofdihdfo I think I may of accidently repeated myself when I was thanking you for following oops XDDDD it's okay tho, I still appreciate your support, it still means a ton! ^w^ hh sorry this was long, I tend to be very talkative at times ^-^; sorry if I came off direct also <:3 /fr /nh

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                Oh no! I'm sorry about those people who've been harassing you. :( No one deserves that! It's always good to be cautious, you're right! Also, I don't mind the long messages, you show a lot of personality in your long messages, lol! /pos

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                  It's alright it not our fault <:3 Then again, the bullies and harassers are the only ones to blame really. They can't stand me being happy and having friends and anyone who supports me, so they been harassing me and my friends with fake rumours and smear campaigns against me, because they want to take away that joy and support I have D: I'm just tryna live my life y'know? but they don't really have a life, so they waste their time trying to ruin mine. it's like, why don't these people just get a life y'know? instead of stalking and picking on the vulnerable just because I stood up to them, they should try moving on like I did and find something better to do that doesn't involve bullying me. /nay

                  Thing is, bullies have a twisted way of thinking. because the real victims have always been taught "oh just ignore em" 24/7, bullies think "o ya i kan pikk on de vulnerable and dere's nothin dey kan do bout it doyyy". So when they find themselves a "weakling" to target, and that "weakling" doesn't stand for their bullshite and goes into self defense mode, that's when the bullies go apeshit, throw a huge tantrum, then they start manipulating them and play the victim to smear the real one and villainise them while they're at it. that's just what bullies and manipulators do, they hate it when people actually stand up for themselves because they see them as a threat. a threat that catches the bully in the wrong. that's why they try to get rid of defenders. /nay /nmu

                  But lemme tell you this, there's nothing wrong with self defense and I honestly think it's perfectly okay to stand up and protect yourself. That's what I've been doing, I mean I'm not all that good at it but I'm trying, I'm learning.. <:3 The best thing to do is stay strong and don't ever give up. The real friends stay and the fake ones leave, cos only true friends stick together, they always work things out like a real friend should.. UwU And life may be tough, but so am I >:3 /fr
                  So be strong like me and don't be afraid to stand up for what's right! (◠ヮ◠)ᕗ

                  I appreciate that you don't mind :3 some people find me annoying but it's usually the moody people and the haters XD Offline I have habits like stuttering alot and I'm even as giggly and random and chatty offline too X3 I believe in honesty alot and that we should all just be ourselves :3 that's why I'm still me whether I'm online or offline :3 only difference is, when it comes to people I don't know offline, I'm super duper shy and don't really make the first move.. ^-^; online it's easier tho, I dunno why but it just is y'know? :o apologies for the swears also, iiit can be a habit.. ^-^;