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Isaac Conweil headshot sketches by Leomane

Isaac Conweil headshot sketches


EDIT April Fool's for the most part! Yes I helped in this little joke, just updating to make it clear, so is Danji still his main 'sona, you bet! Is Isaac sticking around, oh most definitely as there's lots of story to tell with him

This week we have something quite a bit different but similar in a way, So with Isaac “Bunbun”( formerly Danji Draconid ) debuting his new 'sona I figure what better thing to post then the dev sketches and character design of said new 'sona!
So here we have the rough sketches and progress shots of Isaac Conweil the rabbit!

So if you haven't seen the slick rippin' keen news yet head on over to Isaac's page and check out the finished picture!
but what else to say here about him.. well this journal will also help a lot since Isaac is new and there's a ton to say, see some of it here in the official journal

But yeah Isaac is furry little fellow, a grey rabbit to be exact, with a penchant for urban exploring and of course sells off the photos, he's also a bit jumpy but has some real teeth ( not pictured here ) when things go awry so don't underestimate him! He does end up coming into his own later on in the story once he finds Ray. But that is all from me for now as there's a lot of story to tell and that is Isaac Bunbun's job.

But overall this was a freaking BLAST to get done, the shape of the head the new ears and that cute little nose! And as you can see at one point Isaac had comically long ears XD yes that needed to be toned down, but it was some great practice too to do some different muzzle shapes, even had a bit of fun mucked around with the mouth shape ( as seen on the lower sketch ).
And with Isaac as my mates new 'sona I suspect I'll be getting in a lot of practice with some short furry muzzle shapes and cuteness!
Enjoy everyone!

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Visual / Sketch