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[GIF] Partaking in festivities by Kludge

[GIF] Partaking in festivities


Long description. Don’t worry about it.

I tried my hand at Pride icons. Had to crunch it down just so the GIF would be decent, but you can view them better on Tumblr, and eventually Twitter where I'll be spacing out individual posts across the week.

So. There’s never been a good time to bring up this kind of life stuff—and I don’t plan on making these long written vent posts a thing, as it’d just get exhausting and annoying for everyone (myself included)—but right now just feels like the only relevant chance that I’ll get to talk about a particular thorn in my side, even if it does juxtapose the artwork that goes with it.

If you don’t want to be bummed the fuck out during a time of celebration, then skip the next five paragraphs because there’s… not a happy ending here. Or a happy anything. There is still a point to it though, so just try to keep an open mind if you do choose to read.


It has been over a decade since the biggest decision I made that became my biggest regret: coming out to my parents. When you’re young and stupid, you think everything’s just going to work out like it does in the movies—finding success in a situation when the odds are stacked against you. Little did I know, it was going to be nothing but disappointment and conversion therapy and various religion-based interventions and microaggressions and flat-out being told that who I am is a problem with the family. Having all of that brought upon by people who I must continue to submissively maintain a difficult relationship with to today, just to live in a world full of strangers who are relentlessly open about wanting us all beaten to death, all I’ve learned from this is to just shut the fuck up.

I was very adamant about who I was when I was in my teens. I was one of the very few openly queers at my high school at the time, and I felt proud of that. Though I guess it was also partly the “feeling special and unique” aspect, as well as the kick I got out of complaining to everyone about the struggle between my parents and I. Regardless, I was very much out and full of color. But over time— with the continued difficulties I have with my parents, the effects of what they did to me, plus the reactions of the world—I have only found myself rendered cold and unable to feel anything towards LGBT/pride-related things, let alone be direct and open about myself anywhere anymore. I have no desire to change this, for I am very exhausted and eroded and personally do not even find a home within the LGBT community nor find any comfort in considering myself as such. It also feels as though everyone has been able to figure out how to deal with (or have already overcome) their LGBT struggles—struggles far more worse than mine—and made it through loud and proud. Which is not the outcome for me.

Despite my desire to work for an honest pay and contribute what I can to this world, acquiring my first genuine real job has still somehow been impossible for me to achieve—and I cannot rely on the very few art commissions that I get. So, at an embarrassing 25 years of life (making that about 7 years of being a mostly-functional work-ready able-bodied adult in America), I still have to rely on my parents to survive. So it’s not a simple “just screw what your parents think” response here because I do not have the luxury of choice (nor do I have a rebellious nature). I’m also Filipino (lol), so there is a unique layer of complication when it comes to family, something I will not explain.

Thanks for reading if you did. I hope this somewhat touches on anyone’s concerns about me as to why I don’t normally do anything particularly pride-related. It feels as though everyone in furry is very open about who they are but then are suspicious of those who appear otherwise, which I find pretty unfair and unkind. Long story short—although I have not faced the worst of the worst—I have faced enough to wear me down, and I feel like I have more important things to do in life than try to fix damage just to fit myself into a place where I won’t even belong. Anyway, I had complex reasons for creating this small project that you see before you, but to be vague, I just felt it would be beneficial for others and myself to do something for Pride Month—free, as an act of community service (as well as to avoid the “shame on you for profiting off of themed commissions for a community that you must not be a part of, seeing as you don’t openly display an acceptable identity on your profile”). At the end of it all, I just want to create cool and interesting artwork, and I find so much potential in animated pride icons. So here is the result.

P.S., I apologize for being aggressive about this, but please do not offer any “I know how you feel” statements in response to this. Not to put down any of the very real and difficult struggles that you may face, but there are very strict specifics at play that are absolutely mandatory to be able to relate and make me feel understood. And I did not go into full detail above because it is unnecessary and we’d be here forever, so the full picture isn’t even there for you to be aware of. So, while I do appreciate the sentiment to empathize with a similar story, I request to refrain from doing so just this time please. I’m also not a fan of the “you’re so strong” comments either, but that one’s not as much of a big deal. It’s just a bit weird, considering that I’ve given up.

(But you can also just comment about the art itself and not mention anything I wrote, I won’t get offended by that whatsoever. Sometimes there’s just nothing to say to a long-winded spiel of “woe is me.”)


Although I can’t feel much for the event itself, the act alone of making art as gifts just feels great. (These were taken on privately, by the way.) I'm really happy about how these ended up, and I'm very surprised that I was able to fulfill each request that came in because I was a bit short on time when I worked on them. Well, I did rush, after all.

And so, we have:
everestwh1te, bisexual and non-binary flags
junaisurrender, transgender and bisexual flags
MattFrostpaws, non-binary and demisexual flags
Geoledgy, aromantic flag
thatssharakiri, gay flag

(Not all flags necessarily represent their owners, so don’t assume identities and such.)

Well, I hope you have a good month—celebrating in the sun, or protecting yourself in the shadows, or otherwise. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Submission Information

Visual / Animation


  • Link

    You did a nice job with the animations/changes from flag to flag. I love how they're all different and integrate the design (like within the glasses)-- the top right is probably my favorite.

    • Link

      Thank you, I kinda wish the top right was a smidge slower, but I was finishing that one up a day before I was gonna fly out, ha ha. Glad you like these, it was really great trying out what I could do with the prompts.

  • Link

    Given your life experience—I think you should consider it a major accomplishment that you’re still here today. I think many people experiencing what you have would tread a far darker path in life. I am very glad that you’re still here—and you still have the courage to draw such fabulous and unique art (there is nothing like your style in the world and I love it!). And life will go on…after 48 years of life, I can say that it can still get sucky a lot of the time, but hang in there anyways. I do hope you can experience something miraculous in your life sooner than later. EVERYONE deserves something great to happen in their lives and I think you deserve something great, too.

    I think this is a great layout—with the various animations, it’s very eye catching. :)

    • Link

      I feel like I’ve just been really set back in life for various reasons, and it feels like my life should have moved on by now, so it’s all just weird to think about and see myself still remaining stagnant. I do very much appreciate the words though, so thank you of course.

      Thanks also for liking the art too, and particularly pointing out the layout. Having to configure an odd small number like 5 was certainly something I had to think about, I just didn’t want to settle for an odd blank space. Doing it this way allowed some breathing room for the eyes anyway, which I quite liked.

      • Link

        You’re still young and you have better years to come, surely. I had none of your personal life experiences, but I had different “not positive” ones. I suffered most of my young life from those experiences……and in a world like the one we’ve got today—I decided to try and be a positive influence where I can. Hurting is hard, giving up is hard……but good things can still come your way, one day, as long as you wake up each morning and take that breath.

        I think what I like most about this layout and the animations is that they’re all in a different synch—it makes you stop and look at each one, instead of just seeing one same animation sequence all around. :)

        • Link

          I appreciate the hope very much. Sorry to hear of the not great experiences you’ve encountered yourself, but I’m glad you can still pick yourself up and offer positivity, despite it all. And you’ve definitely given me years of positive feedback, so that checks out.

          I’ve stared at this image repeatedly since its upload, and so I see the areas where some nearly match up in timing, and I’ve thought, “Oh no, that must look awkward to have some of them sync weirdly like that when they shouldn’t necessarily be,” but well, that’s the all too well-known nitpicky artist perspective for you, heh. Each icon is 5 seconds long, and the bottom left one is the most surprising to consider that because of the vastly different timing of the movements, which is really cool to think about.

          • Link

            You live long and you get a lot more experiences in life. It can make you choose to be good or to abandon everything. It’s easy to abandon, but it’s more of a challenge to be better…’s just getting your heart ready for the challenge. :)

            The internet is a horribly negative place. It’s easy to vent without consequences— but real world consequences happen when you vent, even if you don’t see them yourself. At least I can make the small corner of the internet I’m in a tiny bit brighter. ;)

            For that short length and shown repeatedly, I imagine every so often some of the images synch up! But it still looks pretty eye-catching! :D