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Looking by Kludge



Currently having a rough time, don't know what to say. But this drawing is pretty unrelated to that.

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Visual / Digital


  • Link

    This is a pretty nifty piece, I think it'd probably make a good icon or address label picture (for those people who still do snail mail! XD). :)

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      Thanks, that would be funny to see in the mail, as the receiver or even passing it around as a carrier. On the rare occasion, I do send out traditional art commissions via snail mail. I don't know why I hadn't thought of doing anything particularly special with the labels yet...

      The labeler that I do have prints with heat rather than ink, so it's just a black print. I guess I could just get some normal labels to use in my laser printer, but it could also be fun working with a color limitation with the labeler.

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        I will draw on my envelopes to pen-pals, so the workers at my post office are always happy to see my stuff going out! Though what other postal workers think, I have no idea! XD

        Actually a limited color palette for labels could be pretty cool! I laminate my larger package labels, since I just have an inkjet (if the label gets wet, it’s unreadable! XD)—usually with a piece of packing tape over the label as “laminate”. Or even if you just make yourself stickers, with your artwork……which I also decorate envelopes with! :)

  • Link

    This is such an adorable piece, I almost thought it was an animation at first. They look like they could blink at any moment ^^

    Also oh no Aah!! I don't know what trials and tribulations you're facing, but I hope that things turn around for you my friend. <:0

    • Link

      Thanks a bunch. Just getting through things as I can.

  • Link

    Well, I'm a bit late but I figure it's never to actually too late.
    I love Kludge's fashion. I got glasses a lot like those- I need to wear them to see anything, but I don't draw them on any characters for some reason?
    I'm not entirely sure why I don't, because I really love seeing in artwork like this.

    I hope you're doing a bit better since you posted this.

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      I kind of just simplify my own glasses, which I guess are slightly rounded trapezoid-ish shapes. I always envision them as rectangles—representing the frames exactly as they are kind of feels like unnecessary detail for how I draw anyway. I'm also back and forth on including the temples of the glasses... I just accept that glasses float sometimes.

      And yeah, you're never too late, as long as we're still kicking anyway. Thanks for the comment. It's been a constant of getting down about things, and then getting down about other things around the same time that the previous line of things were gotten over with. And then things just piling up.

      I'm pretty behind on checking my usual internet stuff. I'm spending such little time online more than ever (other than YouTube for background noise), which is good in many ways but also not great since online is normally my place for leisure and looking at artwork. But I'm either actually too busy doing things, or just trying to relax.

      Didn't expect to write this much, but it's pretty much all that and then some. Things could be so much worse, but they still suck for sure. At the very least I'm thankful that my basic living necessities are taken care of through various means, but such means are nothing direct like a consistent job, so I can't help but feel useless and burdensome. Getting an actual job has been comically impossible for me for some reason—never had a single one on the books despite my efforts over the years, and I'm about to really be in my mid-20s. Not a good feeling.

      WOW and then I wrote more. I sure took the floor tonight. Enjoy the read, and respond to whatever whenever.

      • Link

        Oh I didn't even notice the glasses don't have the sides over the ears. I actually struggled with drawing that in the past.
        I guess that's my main problem is that too many animal ears are too high to put on human face/headwear.
        But when I look at this... I don't even notice it, so I may just take that in mind if I ever do draw.

        Anyway, I know it might not mean much, but I feel you, if that helps to hear. I deal with a lot of anxiety, and once I get over one thing, something new pops up. Then I always have those prolonged things I can't really get past-- always noise in the background. It can get really hard, and without going into some huge explanation thing you might already think here, how you feel mentally and emotionally really does effect how you feel in general.

        I spend all my online time in ways you just said (Youtube) while I do other work on the computer. I don't know how you feel about it-- maybe it's too early to tell, but I find it's something that's better for me, mainly because I'm just bad managing free-time. I can't say much on your situation, but know you are not alone on that. I only ever worked 'odd jobs' and I think I'm expected to have something to put on a resume... and it's really hard because throughout my life I've never known what I wanted to do. I think a lot of people can relate to this, but I thought for years I was just going to be one thing, only to realize I didn't want to/couldn't do it, and I felt extremely lost. Really, I still feel lost.

        But the biggest thing I want to mention is that we all have ideas of where we should be in life (oftentimes influenced from those around us, be it family/peers/the general culture of your country/city), but they don't mean anything about worth or one's efforts. I know recognizing that doesn't make money appear in accounts, but it changes how I feel about the situation- and sometimes, I think that's all you really can do, sadly. I don't think there is a script for how life plays out- which is both a good and bad thing. There is no tangible 'way to be', but there's also no clear answers on where to go next. Expecting a 'lucky day' where it all changes isn't very useful, but I do find that answers-- a path -- if you can imagine, come in sudden ways... or just develop naturally over time. Either way, I truly do hope you can find something.

        Oh ... slightly related, but I figure I'll tell you now: I meant to reach out to you by email as 'pen pals' at some point, but I've actually been having trouble with my main email as of late. I need to make a new one, but that's a bit to set up. Don't worry about it though, you're busy too, I'd just like to let you know I haven't forgotten and hopefully I get that working before the end of the year (even if that day is December 31st).

        I guess it'd be easier than just putting it in a huge comment? I write what I can, I guess this works too, I don't mind... I hope you don't either, sorry if so.

        • Link

          These are some good insights. I've indeed been busy, but I've looked at this comment a couple times this past week. I can't think of a great way to respond, but I think there's nothing more to add onto it since it's great as it is. But thanks, still. (And for the update on the email too. There's no rush on that either, of course. Comments have been working fine anyway.)