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Peacock-Wolf Yarn Tail Set by KiRAWRa

Peacock-Wolf Yarn Tail Set


Tails for sale on Etsy!

I can say with confidence that this was possibly one of the most difficult projects I've ever made! :')
The tail is 2.5 feet (66cm) of yarn that was cut, tied, brushed, and sewn entirely by hand with the help of my buddy Kittygomou. Each peacock feather is made up of 5 layers of felt cloth with fine details added with marker, and is held in place by a wire grid sewn directly to the core weave of the tail. The tail is laid flat in these photos, but the wires under each feather keep them in place and perky with a bouncy, natural movement along with the sway of the tail when you walk. I am super proud of the results, but pretty sure I won't be making any more tails like this unless I can devise a less-intensive way to craft it.
This tail (and matching ears that were made by Kittygomou) sold to a wonderful person at BLFC in June 2017, whose character was, believe it or not, actually a peacock-wolf!

More tails are available on Etsy

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  • Link

    Oh gosh the detailing on those feathers is gorgeous! Well done!

    • Link

      Thank you! I took some photos while working on them, which I've been meaning to compile into a little tutorial.