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marker colorings #1--Biospheran Airazor by keirajo

marker colorings #1--Biospheran Airazor


A slight bit of spam-posting here today..........I'm trying to do all my posts thematically. So today is all of my Transformers stuff that I hand-colored. I had originally wanted to do these as digital coloring (and may still do so one day), but they've been sitting around since last summer and no progress got made. So, while I was on vacation, I thought--eh, let's just hand-color a bunch of these things lying around! XD

This is the Biospheran version of Airazor from my upcoming new Galvatron/Rodimus Prime series story-arc. My problem in drawing fan-art is that I find that my head makes me try to draw it perfectly. I draw my OCs so much easier because I did the design and I'm not trying to adhere to an original design. So, I decided to try and tackle some of the existing Transformers universe characters that will appear in this upcoming arc and break out of that mentality to "adapt the frame" to a simpler design I feel much more comfortable with. Airazor and Botanica are the first ones to receive this treatment. The symbol on Airazor's chest here is the "Emblem of Healing"--Botanica's symbol.

In this arc, I also decided to take on Airazor differently, too. As some may know, she's one of my all-time favorite Transformers and especially of the Beast Wars era. I'm very happy she'll be in ROTB. In the original airing of Beast Wars in North America--we all know SHE was FEMALE, but fun trivia fact: she was originally to be a male character until the networks said they needed to have another female character for balance. Hence why her design isn't as feminine-looking as like Arcee or Black Arachnia.....they simply looked for the least masculine-looking character in their lineup and dubbed them female. Well, when the series went to Japan--they were working with a lot of the original material and so Airazor was MALE in Japan. In every fan-fic I've ever done, I've stuck with her as female--but for this particular series arc, I decided to tackle her as a male character--specifically making her what might be called "transgender", but not really...........given the history of the character being male to begin with. :p

Transformers and character belong to Hasbro/TakaraTomy.

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Visual / Traditional


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    Love the pose!

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      Yay! Thanks! :D

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    This is a really cool design, I'm also excited to watch ROTB, I never watched the actual Beast Wars show cause it wasn't of my time but I'm slowly getting into the old transformers shows, I think the Bumblebee movie got me into it with those designs they all had, I think one of the best is Soundwave's design, way better than the one Michael Bay did which isn't memorably imo... Comparing to the bayverse characters, in the reboot they look way more ''alive'' and unique. And as someone who grew up with the 2007 transformers movies, I'd gotta say that thank God they did NOT used Megatron as the main villain AGAIN for the reboot xD I like him, but for sure he's a very overused villain...

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      Yeah…..I’m not a huge fan of the “Bayverse”, but I liked the later movies with Mark Wahlberg, because they finally put a bit more originality in the robot designs. The “baby Dinobots” in “The Last Knight” are way adorable! XD I frankly wish Hasbro would come out and just admit “Bumblebee” and ROTB are a reboot, but they keep saying they’re Bayverse continuity—even though it breaks most of the continuity. Of course… they’re saying there’s a multiverse…….. :p

      I’m with you on Megatron being overused as a villain. Yeah, he was the first bad guy of the series and everybody has their nostalgia. I, personally, love G1 Galvatron better……and I was quite fond of the “redeemed Megatron” in the IDW comics. So, after loving redeemed Megatron—I really don’t want to go back to evil Decepticon Megatron. :) I haven’t seen the new “Earthspark” animated series, but I hear they semi-went with the redeemed Megatron route…….