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Octransfur Day 1: Bursting Bubbles [Bubble Dragon TF] by Joat

Dennis looked at the letter from his friend, then the now-open box it had been attached to, which held within it an improbably small bottle of bubble soap, no larger than a stick of lipstick. And yet, both the letter and the label claimed that this bubble soap would allow one to blow huge bubbles. Examining the bottle, he couldn’t help but wonder how his friend had fallen for a scam so obvious as this.

Nonetheless, more out of curiosity than anything else, he unscrewed the cap, which the bubble wand was attached to. It was a short wand, with a pathetically small opening for one to blow through. He didn’t know what he expected, but... actually, yes he did, and that was exactly it. Nonetheless, he decided to give it a try, blowing into the bubble wand.

The bubbles... were actually surprisingly large. It wasn’t what the label had advertised, mind - baseball-sized bubbles weren’t what he would call “huge” - but it was still far larger than what he’d had in mind. Oddly, these bubbles were tinted black, rather than the rainbow sheen that normal bubble soap produced.

Dennis continued blowing the black bubbles, watching them float around gently. Surprisingly, they were not popping or landing on anything, simply continuing to float around the room. How odd, he thought, now surrounded by bubbles.

He set the bottle and bubble wand back down, then reached out his hand and gently grabbed a bubble, holding it carefully. Most bubbles would have popped as soon as he touched them, but this one seemed to be fine... at least for a few seconds before it suddenly burst, covering his hand in black goo.

He tried shaking it off, but it didn't even come close to coming off. He worried for a moment that it might be a pain to wash this stuff off the carpet if any landed there, but that worry quickly moved to the back of his mind as he saw the black goo changing color and reshaping... and felt his hand reshaped along with it.

It happened quite quickly. His fingers began merging and thickening, becoming white. His hand became a bit smaller and cuter-looking. Where before he had a goo-covered human hand, now there was a scaly purple paw with three thick white claws, with a large orange dot in the middle of his palm.

He felt his new paw with his unchanged hand. His paw could feel his hand quite clearly. This was clearly no simple coating anymore. His hand was now a paw. It was quite an alarming realization. Even more alarming was that the bubbles, previously drifting about randomly without land on anything, were now floating right toward him. Before he could react, one landed on the back of his unchanged hand. He tried to shake it off, but instead it popped, covering his hand. He knew what would happen next. Sure enough, he found himself with a second purple paw.

The bubbles were all around him, too numerous to slip between to escape. If he tried to run, he would find himself covered in bubbles. As he considered his options, a bubble landed on each of his feet, popping and coating them. He thought his feet would be protected by his shoes, but he quickly discovered that would not be so. He saw the goo reshaping what was underneath and soon he was left with two scaly three-clawed purple hindpaws, as if he had never been wearing shoes or socks at all. He lifted up a hindpaw, finding that it had a large orange spot on the sole, akin to his forepaws, though this one was an oval rather than a circle.

At this point, the bubbles sped up dramatically, heading toward two parts. Some bubbles went toward his head, enough to coat it entirely. He was blinded for a moment, but soon able to open his eyes, revealing that he now had a short, black, scaly muzzle. Feeling his muzzle, he found that his front two teeth were sticking out from the front, forming a V shape. He felt the rest of his head, discovering that he no longer had visible ears and that he had flat spikes running down the back of his head from the top. And though he could not see it at the time, his cheeks each had an orange spot on them, as if he were perpetually blushing orange.

Meanwhile, the remaining bubbles were popping right above his hind, one after the other, the goo stacking on itself until finally it resembled a tail. Then, it molded itself into a proper tail, mostly covered in black scales, with a white underside and adorned with flat orange spikes along its top.

He looked around. No more bubbles were present. He was safe, it seemed, for though much of him had been transformed, there were no bubbles left to finish the job.

But just as he was thinking that, he involuntarily inhaled, then exhaled, a large black bubble forming from his mouth. He couldn’t stop himself, huffing and puffing until the bubble was larger than he was, before finally it popped, coating him entirely in black goo. When he opened his eyes, he found that the rest of his body had now been transformed. Now his arms, legs, and torso were covered in black scales, save for his belly which was instead orange. Along his back were the same flat spikes that adorned his head and tail.

He rushed to a mirror and gasped at the sight that greeted him. He was a dragon! More specifically, he was a bubble dragon, colored primarily black and orange, with purple paws and a bit of yellow, like some sort of Halloween-themed bubble dragon. Curious, he inhaled, then started blowing a bubble, quickly ending up with a bubble even larger than the one that finished his transformation. He then climbed atop it, surprised it supported his weight. It was quite soft and comfortable, in fact.

He laid down on the bubble, starting to think that this unexpected transformation might not be so bad after all. He was smaller, sure, but he felt much more energetic and comfortable. And of course, he was now able to blow huge bubbles, just as advertised on the bottle.

Octransfur Day 1: Bursting Bubbles [Bubble Dragon TF]


Oh hey, I finally started uploading stuff for Octransfur 2020 and I was only... *checks watch* inexcusably late!

Anyway, the prompt for day 1 was Burst, which admittedly sounds more like an inflation prompt to me than a transformation prompt, but it works nonetheless.

Anyway, Octransfur is a month-long event, created by CrizBN and others, to create transformation-based works based around a one-word prompt for each day. Theoretically, this event might be intended for drawings specifically. The description lists it as an Inktober alternative and goes on to imply drawings rather than writings, but somehow I doubt CrizBN will scream bloody murder over this. He might transform me into something, but that's just him being him.

Anyway, just for fun, I've decided to go ahead and add a brief note comparing what I did to what he did as I submit each Octransfur entry. Unless stated otherwise, each story is completed before I see his or anyone else's work for that day.

For day one, I kinda had an "Oh, duh, why didn't I realize that?" moment after seeing CrizBN's submission. I know there aren't necessarily any wrong answers for interpreting the prompts, but I am slightly embarrassed that I didn't realize that a tail bursting out was probably what was going through CrizBN's (or a contributor's) mind when they decided on that prompt. That meaning simply went completely over my head. Either way, I know EpicBattleNatz3 is happy with the result!

Submission Information

Literary / Story