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Dragon (2014) by jiasaykea

Dragon (2014)


Part of the Sky Above Earth Below Oracle Deck I created in 2014. Mixed Media

Dragon (Majesty, Vitality)
Dragon manifests into the world. As the only mythological creature included in this deck dragon has had an intense and profound effect on world culture. As such a mighty creature dragon had the distinction of being almost superior to human and was viewed with a great amount of majesty. Dragons have culturally tended towards two paths; the European dragon and the Asian dragon. In Asia dragons are connected with good fortune. Here dragons often had the characteristics of such animals as turtle and fish; though most appeared as snake-like with four legs. Dragons from these cultures were associated with power, strength. These dragons were said to have control over water, rainfall, hurricanes, and floods. In Western European cultures dragons were seen as a bad omen. Here dragons were often portrayed as lizard-like, with wings like a bat and the ferocious teeth of a crocodile. Dragons from these cultures were representative of evil, and weres said to have the power to fly and breath fire. Regardless of divergent cultural paths because of their perceived strength, dragons became a symbol of vitality.

Not all western cultures saw dragon as evil. Pre-Christian Britain, especially Wales, saw dragons as benevolent. The Red Dragon of Wales still appears on the Welsh flag. The myth of dragons living in caves tied them to the earth element. Their ability to fly and breathe fire tied them to the elements of air and fire. The reptilian and snake like appearance linked them to water. The story of St George slaying the dragon is well known; though may serve as a metaphor for Christianity overcoming paganism, or as a depiction of the crusades. It remains possible that other creatures, such as crocodiles, spitting cobras, and the skeletons of dinosaurs are the basis for dragon myth. Chinese emperors would often take the dragon as a personal symbol. In the Qing dynasty a dragon even appeared on the flag. Some asian cultures believed that dragons had power over weather patterns. Dragon dances are still popular during Chinese new year celebrations and dragon boat races during summer festivals still occur. Dragon can be seen in the night sky as the constellation Draco.

When dragon has manifested its way into your cards it may pose an important message about vitality. What element, or aspect is dragon trying to give you a message about? When did you last check your vitals (literally or metaphorically)? What hidden depths of majesty are waiting to be explored? Because of its diverse characteristics the four western elements of air, earth, fire, and water may prove insightful, especially when exploring different aspects of vitality (creative, physical, emotional, and passions). Chinese dragons are most associated with the element of earth, though its power over weather may make a study of air/water relationships helpful.

Astrology- (Chinese 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024, 2036, 2048 or Apr 5- May 4) This Chinese sign is vibrant and dynamic. Those with this sign would make an excellent choice as a master of ceremonies. Intelligent and lively, this earth sign is considered especially lucky. Dragon needs to be wary of opinionated behaviour though; not everyone appreciates their bombastic personalities. Feisty Dragon can also be seen as somewhat eccentric. Dragon is a sign of charismatic and imaginative nature, often with artistic and spiritual predispositions.

Stars and Constellations
Uniting Elements, Love Luxury, Fantasy, Lair, Horde

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