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Why a Possat? by Hajinn

Why a Possat?

GP: so, question

Tahajin Grandville: Shoot!

GP: why a possat?

GP: like...where'd you run into the species?

GP: and what's tahajin's backstory?

GP: #curious ferret

Tahajin Grandville: It's actually the intellectual property of a user by the name of Dirtiran, just heavily modified by yours truly. Originally, possats were marshland creatures that behaved like waterfowl - and while the design and structure intrigued me, that little tidbit didn't, so I postulated what would happen if, say, instead of a preserve - what would happen if a possat was raised around an all feline community, hence the stripes and black padded fingers/toes. As for the backstory, Tahajin was meant to be this sort of anathemic child amongst the linage Grandville, primarily the elders. First off, it was set up like a nobility - intermarrying was deemed a cardinal sin, so the fact that Tahajin's father was of Scholastic was grounds enough to loathe any offspring. After several attempts on both the father and the son's life, Tahajin was moved at an early age to a close friend of the immediate family, Imani Vanderhall - particle physicist and shamelessly magnanimous professor, who was more than willing to accept the task at hand once debriefed. Now, there IS a plothole in here as to how Cheyenne Grandville managed to keep this clandestine for a good decade, but it's caulked with the fact that she's meant to be an expert mentalist. Speaking of which, I might as wel explain the whole 'beneficial genetic mutation/superpower' thing - since I probably won't get another chance. Each Grandville cultivates a specialization (or two) from birth and goes through a primary, secondary, and tertiary mutation to bolster those abilities. If they choose to rear children, that child's WEAKNESS will be the parent's PROFICIENCY, hence why Tahajin is vulnerable to psychological attacks, be it telepathy or otherwise.

GP: ah~

GP: so its like a genetic oscillation?

Tahajin Grandville: Fairly close to it, though the cycle tends to repeat every two generations, Tahajin being the lone exception. Technically speaking, Tahajin was meant to destined to be a Rama (a sort of Chi-based, close quarters combatant with unparalleled speed and agility. That was all muddled up, however, with the addition of 'new blood'.

GP: an affair, or otherwise?

Tahajin Grandville: And affair without too many negative connotations, really. X3

Cheyenne's predetermined spouse was someone she couldn't bear to associate with, let alone marry. However, as soon as she met Maximilian, there was an immediate sympatico. You know how the story goes. =3c

GP: indeed :o

Tahajin Grandville: And here's yet another chatlog to upload to the account, since I'm sure you're not the only one curious. X3


GP: you should do a family tree

Tahajin Grandville: Oh God, that'd take a while!

Why a Possat?


This might end up becoming a mini-series with how many questions Gluepaw asks of me during random conversations - and since I'm sure he's not the only one out there who's a smidgen inquisitive about both the thought process behind both my species and a few other sundry warez regarding Grandville, this'll basically act as my Ask Me TONGUE-BLR - until I break down and make one.

I'm not just going to answer to Gluepaw, though. If any of you have any queries whatsoever, send 'im to me! I'll answer than ASAP!

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Literary / Story