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Heavyweight champ by Ghostbellies

Heavyweight champ


SO like…i know i keep sayin’ pumpkins get big but WHERE’S THE PROOF, GHOST? well here ya go U uU first pic of three showin’ off the previous festival winner’s final sizes. These are oldish but i never posted ‘em. figured i should give ya’ll sommin’ to look at since i’m gonna by busy till September.

Chops was huge in height and weight. At 8 feet tall and 1200 pounds he was really hard to actually GET to the festival…but he’s also quite strong, so he still had -some- mobility fortunately. Sitting on his fat butt snorfing down whole turkeys, it doesn’t look like it i imagine. the picture at the top is his default size, and that lil’ goaty fella is his farmer, Rep. Rep’s specialty is pumpkins, but this is the first prizewinner he’s ever raised. he’s super proud of his giant doofus, and insisted on doing everything in a traditional way…plenty of his wife’s super fattening cooking, some weight lifting (to keep him able to lug his fat butt around of course) and good ole’ fashioned, balls to the wall, no holds barred pampering…you know. because that’s what pumpkins like!

Chops, for his part seemed to agree…of course, Chops doesn’t say much of anything so we can assume he was happy enough with the arrangement.

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