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[Char Concept] Kiara's New Hair (+Human version)[SFW] by foxie_xxx

[Char Concept] Kiara's New Hair (+Human version)[SFW]


An experiment I did in November (and found while I was working on the last commission... xD), trying to make Kiara's hairstyle more natural. This was based on the hairstyle of a newscast hostess from a local channel from where I live and, for some reason, her overall presence recurrently reminded me of Kiara. It didn't take too long until I have this idea. ^^

Also, don't ask why I do these things... I made a ref sheet of my vixen, like, two years ago, and never changed her design too much until then. But, after I made that reference, lots of changes came to mind and I'm still really indecisive about if I should apply them. Maybe it's part of the process, but, until I decide, I'm experimenting a bit. :)

Oh, and the human version is kinda a bonus... ^^ It was part of the original sketch (and one of my tries on drawing human characters. Yeah, one of the perks of drawing almost exclusively furry characters for almost 10 years... ^^;). I'm still adjusting her skin color in that version, though (I wanted it lighter than the last time I tried it).

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