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Multiverse Invitation to the Tea Party! (Art by Sinereous) by FeyPhoenix

Multiverse Invitation to the Tea Party! (Art by Sinereous)


Art by the extremely patient Sinereous Sinereous

Rêve loves to have fun. What is more fun than inviting friends from all over the multiverse together for a tea party?

Okay... there are a LOT of characters in this, many of them are mine, but I will try not to forget any of them... yeah. Here goes...

Meez (giant pink one in the background) = Teskine Teskine
Riviena (giant blue'n'black dragon in the background) = Riviena Riviena

At (and next to) the table in the center, from left to right:
Loti = Lotix Lotix
Generic zombie risen by Eris
Erisiel dan Vaal = Zivilynthewyrd
Zetsubou = FeyPhoenix FeyPhoenix
Sylphia = FeyPhoenix
Higeki = FeyPhoenix
(Under the table) Morty - FeyPhoenix
Leeloo = FeyPhoenix

Group by the boulder on the left:
Hallelujah = CrossroadsKing CrossroadsKing
Big green plant lady, Drosera = FeyPhoenix
In Drosera's lap, Ruuki = 0Ruuki0 0Ruuki0
Centaur lady, Helvetia = Riviena Riviena
Human sitting just behind her, Seba = SebaKnight1 SebaKnight1
Birdman in front of the group, Skott = Battleferrets Battleferrets
Four arms, Eventide = FeyPhoenix

Right-side group in the middleground:
Boss Bosley = FeyPhoenix
Celeste = FeyPhoenix
Aoxil = FeyPhoenix
Kayden Frei = KaydenFrei KaydenFrei
In front of them, and on the boulder:
Alexandra = TheScalyBard TheScalyBard
Obsidia = FeyPhoenix
Victoria = FeyPhoenix
The three on the boulder, I don't know their names D: = Sinereous Sinereous

In the very front:
Faerie Phoenix = FeyPhoenix
Njorunn = Njorunn Njorunn
(Just behind the white wings) Xepheriah = Xepheriah Xepheriah
Shin No Kenmeina Okami = ShinNoKenmeinaOkami ShinNoKenmeinaOkami
Maxie = NapalmFox NapalmFox
Rêve = FeyPhoenix
Vera = Vera Vera
Kalin = Lapres Lapres
Jupiter = KitteaMutt KitteaMutt
Therese Conner = JamesC JamesC
Koda = DSALSquirrel DSALSquirrel

Okay, I think that is everybody....


  • Link

    This is still so amazing and I just love it and feel so special ;u; <3

    • Link

      I was more than happy to have you be part of it! <3