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Entirety Species: Celieu by FamiliarAlien

Entirety Species: Celieu


Wow an alien species? That's something you haven't seen in many months! I did say I wanted to come back to it online in 2016 so I did. I decided instead of completing the bestiary of my sci fi I'm going to leave some spots blank but will fill it up to the point all the less relevant planet have only 1 unseen species.

Now onto info on the species itself! Celieu are a sentient plant species of the planet Someesio (same planet as the Rosaital). They're pretty hard to describe in words, the best I got is fat slug trees. They don't possess any type of movement limbs and instead use a slippery sap produced by their underside and small movements of their bark to slowly inch forward. Occasionally wind helps them alone assuming its in the right direction.
Celieu don't really have a mouth so much as an opening on the front of their torso that doesn't close, they will take in whatever happens to end up in it (insects, floating plants and debris) and break it down into sustenance. I guess that would make them the only species I've introduced that's kinda cannibalistic because it what ends up there is a broken off piece of another celieu they'll totally eat it. They don't care!
Celieu do have intelligence to them but not much. They're pretty basic; mostly just avoiding danger and knowing when food is more likely to fly into their torso hole. As such they're not exactly aggressive or friendly they just kinda exist. The only time they can be dangerous is if you're a complete doofus and shove your hand deep into their body. Celieu do have corrosive fluids within to break down whatever ends up there... and unlike their other type of sap this stuff is actually sticky and hard to wash off.
For other body parts they possess they have 3 horn like branch that don't seem to have much purpose outside some rudimentary protection for their leafs when its windy. Also those tails they seem to have are actually roots, when they aren't on the move they will plant those into the soil for extra nutritional intake. They're actually kinda stuffed up their backside to the most usually with wider roots often ending up just having to be held up off the ground. Celieu also possess two small holes on their lower front body that are able to distinguish if they're approaching an object... so basically super simple eyes.

Design wise basically this one came fast and furious which is pretty special because every other Someesio species was really hard to figure out. Each often went through a bunch of design changes before I was semi satisfied with it (Leelu was even completely redrawn!). Just thought about tree slugs then went "slug trees?" and that was it. Also this would be the first sci fi related piece done from start to finish in FireAlpaca. Besides thinking I made the lineart a little bit too thick I think I managed to keep things completely consistent with the previous ones done in Paint Tool Sai.

So enjoy!
Entirety and all creatures related to it belong to me

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    Yay it's great to see another alien species from you! Fat slug trees sound amazing. I love the shape of the mouth-like opening and those branchy horns.

    • Link

      :D thank you, this was a rather fun design I was glad for once a species from this particular planet was easy to figure out lol