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Autofox by etheras



Hello, my loyal subjects!

I saw the new Transformers movie, opening night in IMAX (of course), and.... it was total crap. I really don't know why I go to these. I always know its going to be bad, and then the movie just confirms it.

I guess I am just tempted by all the SHINY trailer 'splosions enough to give it the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately me (and people like me) are probably what keeps them producing this junk. Oh well. It was interesting enough to keep me watching until the end, if only in a "Can this possibly get worse?" Apologies in-advance for the spoiler but... IT DOES. Including possibly the worst closing quote since "There is a little Godzilla in all of us." (Godzilla 2000).

Feel free to accuse me of being a philistine below. Or agree. Whatever :P

Artwork is by me! and was originally made for Transformers3 as a Jaspian themed art. But... I kinda converted it over. :P Its not so much that I liked it (its kinda mediocre, IMHO) but for some reason I like seeing my character's face as an Autobot / Decepticon logo. It just seems like that's something that should be. And so I made it. :P

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  • Link

    That would be deceptifox, actually! :o

    • Link

      Yeah... I just couldn't find a good rhyme with Fox and Decepticon. Autofox.. er.. rolls out off the tongue nicely ;P

      • Link

        Heheh, very nice! :P

  • Link

    It's Michael Bay, kind of understandable.

    That aside, I love the ears on this little critter.

  • Link

    I know mostly all your comissioned art. But this one is by you and it's awesome! Wonder if you ever felt like drawing a counter-version of a "fennecticon" ;3

    • Link

      There's a fair amount of artwork on my profile that's by me, in part, or entirely. Maybe it just doesn't seem like it because its SO GOOD. >:P