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Original Draygone ~by Draygone by dray-and-erika

Original Draygone ~by Draygone


RL Draygone:
"This is the original Draygone. That probably doesn't mean a whole lot since I haven't uploaded any art of my current self, yet. But trust me, this is significant. =P

"So a long time ago, I was really wanting to get into making video games, and I wanted to make a web site about my games. At the time, dragons were my favorite mythological creatures (I prefer gryphons, now), and the name for my studio was "Great Dragon Gaming". So for the logo, I wanted a dragon flying over a scenic mountain. This was as far as I got with that.

"Actually, I had made a bunch of other attempts at the logo. They started out pretty bad, but after repeated drawing, I eventually got the hang of it. Sort of. If you're interested, most of the other attempts are found here, with the exception of the first, which I gave up on before finishing:
The first bunch looks squinty because I tried tracing over their lines with marker so they'd show up better in the scan. Not a good idea. Also, I can't remember whether I did these before or after that fox picture I uploaded earlier. These were in a separate folder.

"As for how this became original Draygone, I chose this dragon to be my character after joining the furry fandom. But he was just a character, and not a true represnenation of me, so I created a new character to fix that, and left this dragon behind. Though eventually, Erika and I revived this character to be our canonical father. So this isn't the last time you've seen him."

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