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Ante Up by Dekafox

Ante Up


The smell of cigarette smoke faded slightly on stepping into the back rooms of the tavern. Rarely spoken of, yet known by all the conmen, swindlers, and streetfolk, this was where one came for the serious games. To join the games here you had to be really good... or good at cheating.
"Well, well. quite the basher we 'ave here," A melodic voice drew my attention to a table where a winged tiger-lady of some sort was shuffling a deck of cards, a mug of ale and a pile of coins in front of her. From the accent, someone who had clearly spent a good amount of time in Sigil(the Cage as I've heard it called), or at least one who was smart enough to fake it. Undoubtedly a planar native, but not a kind I'd seen before.
Seeing she had caught my attention, she gave me a bit of a feline grin and gestured to the chair across from her. "Care for a game of 'cat and mouse' with a real cat?" 
I had to admit she was quite the looker, and you don't come to a place like this unless you had gold to lose. With little hesitation, I slid into the seat opposite her. "5 Card Draw I assume?"
"Now you're usin' the ol' brain-box!" she replied with a small laugh that drew a slight smile from me.  Quite the charmer, this one was, which was all the more dangerous when you're playing cards. Now the only question... which of us was the better player? Or perhaps the better question... who was the better cheater? After all, isn't that skill, in its own way?
"Ante up!"

One of Jasmine's hobbies(or vices, depending on your view) is card games. It was one of the past-times of rakshasa society, as it helped them practice their ability to deceive your opponent without giving yourself away, a valuable skill among that race. Bluffs within lies, and the strategies built thereupon. Once the young tigress-demon discovered that her natural dexterity opened another path to winning however, she was hooked, and this carried through to her adult life as well. And if she were to be caught?  Well with both the heritages of a born deceiver and an incessant talker in her bloodline, she could often bluff her way out of trouble just as often as she talked herself into it.

This lovely image of Jasmine is by buckovskiart, whose work definitely deserves more viewers!

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