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COGNIZANT DOSSIER: Captain Rockjaw (MidnightArr) by Darkwitt

COGNIZANT DOSSIER: Captain Rockjaw (MidnightArr)


#Hypnovember #ProjectCognizant
Log Entry, September 5, [REDACTED],

I have accepted the Cognizant contract as per the stipulations provided by my benefactor, Mr. Darkwitt. The briefing states the nature of this skirmish is entirely tactical, and will not follow the rules of standard engagement. When asked for further elaboration, Mr. Darkwitt kept details on a need to know basis. I will only be permitted one item of my choosing and will be deployed in an undisclosed location on the isle of Cognizant. Methods of deployment have not been defined. I will not be permitted outside communication, nor will I be allowed to have any squad members accompany me. This exercise is meant for individuals. 

My Mission is to develop my security forces and secure the island using whatever means necessary. Lethal force is not authorized as per his instruction. Mr. Darkwitt runs under the tenet of preservation: "Everyone, even your enemy, can serve a purpose." An admirable notion to adhere to, if not a little naive. I have experience with developing control through militant zeal and protocol. People naturally crave structure and order. Those that don't are either in need of correcting, or simply have not experienced an authority worthy of following. My soldiers are the best this country has ever known, Cognizant will be no different.

I will note that throughout the briefing, Mr. Darkwitt has referred to me by the title of 'Mastermind.' which he assures is an apt descriptor of my classification of officer in this sortie. He has briefly described the other members that fit this moniker and I fail to see the connection. A Private sector musician, a licensed therapist, and some spoiled brat in a halloween costume. Mr. Darkwitt has insisted I take my competition seriously. They will have to earn my respect first. 

This is the best opportunity I am going to have to prove how my method of societal structure is the superior one. Once Mr. Darkwitt sees how orderly Cognizant is by the time I'm done, I'll be able to propose an expansion to other countries. Marching soldiers rippling with strength and discipline, cowing the streets of any riff raff and keeping them in line. It'll be quite the sight to see them in rank and file, saluting, beads of sweat on their brow from a hard day of-

Excuse me.

Only two months before deployment, I must prepare.

Structure through Order. 


Meet Captain Rockjaw, the Drill Sergeant turned PMC operator.  The Captain was someone Darkwitt picked up a while ago after Hanover cited some concerns of his behavior in the army. Demanding more collaboration with law enforcement and concerned of overstepping his bounds. Hanover felt that the man was a liability and a bit 'too into' the military life, but Darkwitt claimed he had a long term solution to keep the soldier placated. After some substantial funding provided to Captain Rockjaw's startup PMC, Darkwitt called in a favor to gain another Mastermind for his Project Cognizant. Ulysses has a slight issue in his records that he tends to favor muscular tigers as his soldiers, and will get somewhat distracted as he trains them. It's suggested that he might be gay, but any accusation of such is met with fierce, fierce denial. 

Though his face is beet red when he attempts to refute these claims. It's unknown if he's in denial or is just really that dense.  Odds point to the latter.

Art by Midnight_Arr

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