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Amaterasu Wall Poster by Dark Violet (critique requested)

Amaterasu Wall Poster (critique requested)

Dark Violet

So I recently figured that my room had far too many blank walls, and I needed to fix that. So I bought a few things online, but man, large posters are expensive! I mean, I'm not sad to have Samus on my wall, nor the Last Supper picture from Battlestar Galactica, but still. Too much wallspace, too little to fill it with.

So I decided to make my own.

And woo, am I pleased with the result! After drawing it out, I planned out how to fit it on multiple pieces of paper. I then printed it out on a mix of A3 and A5 sheets of normal printer paper, and cut off the edges with a knife. After that, I tea-dyed them all (after testing it out on a few practice sheets first) in any bit that wasn't Ammy, dried them out in an oven (BRIEFLY, with the door open, bottom shelf, 100 degrees celsius), and then compressed them for about 24 hours.

After that, it was a simple job of sticking them all up in the right places. I gotta tell ya, it's a great feeling to see an achievement like that in real life, and I'm always happy to wake up to seeing Ammy; that bottom left pic? That's the view from my bed! The final product is a smidgen over a metre high and about a metre and a quarter long.

Do you want to do this yourself? Because you can! Here's a link to all the pieces:
The file names tell you whether to print it on A3 or A5 paper, and whether it should be printed in colour or if black and white is fine. Eh, I'm sure you guys can figure it out, if you do want to do it at all.

Anyway, whether you do it yourself or not, enjoy!

Okami (c) Capcom / Clover Studios

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    I wouldn't know how to tea dye anything. I imagine it would just stink ;p

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      It smells of Chai tea. There is nothing wrong with this.

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    It looks really good!