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Breaking Free by Dark Violet (critique requested)

Breaking Free (critique requested)

Dark Violet

Omen stopped, and gave a small chuckle. “’All Pokémon are created equal…but some more equal than others’” she quoted, ignoring the expression Canid adopted at it. “As true as that quote may be, is it right to apply it to a whole species, rather than individuals? The more encompassing a generalisation, the more deviants there will be.” Shi looked out across the plains again, as if searching for something, before shi continued.

“Enforcing isolation on a whole species will not only stifle that species, but it will harm those that don’t conform to what’s expected. [...]Not everyone has the ability to live in an enlightened world. If that can be changed…”

I really liked the idea of this piece. The surface of the ocean here is just the physical manifestation of the boundary that Lelutetia feels, the wall that separates hir from the world, trapping hir in what she sees as an oppressive world. When you're in a situation like that, there's another one thing to do - muster up the courage, and break through that barrier, reaching out to the freedom that every living creature needs.


Café Plaisir (c) Pali Bakufun

Pokémon (c) Nintendo

(Hey, wasn't this series meant to be about porn...?)

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


  • Link

    That is so cool

  • Link

    I like the image a lot. I like the environment more than I do the poke'mon. The ocean and sky just look enjoyable. The orientation isn't very good for me otherwise I'd probably enjoy it even more, but that's my loss. *chuckles*

    • Link

      I wanted to try messing with the orientation. I think the transition from left to right better distinguishes the two worlds, rather than going for the usual up and down, and so you get a better feel for the barrier which separates them.

      But hey, each to their own :3