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A Whale of a Time: Weight Gain Drive! (BONUS 1) - Art by Fluffs by Charem

A Whale of a Time: Weight Gain Drive! (BONUS 1) - Art by Fluffs


This is the first of four bonus images of the Weight Gain Drive with the artist Fluffs! These bonus images were earned by the amazing participation and contributions by donators to the drive, and will be released around one a month! These bonus images (for the most part) continue the story from the main Drive images!


'Cut!' was eventually called for the end of that supremely-expanding episode of A Whale of a Time. After the cameras stopped rolling and the live studio audience was eventually escorted out (once they were encouraged to stop taking so many pictures of the scene on their phones, of course), the crew immediately busied themselves on figuring out how to move not one, but two massive mountains of blubber that were once doggos off of the stage and away from the studio...

It was all such a task that nobody had noticed host Ruffer sneaking away once he'd awoken from his sneaky little post-gorging nap. To be fair, the host's job was done...and while it wasn't exactly to policy how he had pilfered from the contestants' food all during the show, he was still, comparatively, much smaller and much-less-noticable than the dogs the camera focused upon. Ironically due to this, he could certainly get away with the casual thievery of company resources while on set and in front of the cameras, and had likely done so on previous episodes as well.

Perhaps that's why he had snuck away, emboldened a bit too far by his past successes. Yes, yes; he might be the HOST of A Whale of a Time, but goodness, watching so many furry participants get all fattened up certainly built up his own appetite, and maybe a bit of jealousy too. His snackings during the episode helped this slightly, but he still felt his hunger growing all the time. And this, he didn't really feel sated, this time.

Ruffer kept a very low profile - or as low as his gurgling gut would allow - as he slipped into the locked storeroom which held...predictably, even more food. Specifically non-perishables, ordinary but reliable snacks that could be delivered at a moment's notice during an episode, in case fresher and more-exciting foods could not be brought out.

Ordinary didn't mean bad, of course. Ruffer jostled open a crate with a generic 'cookies' label. Yes, this whole crate of cookies would do...perfectly~ He sure did love the bacon cookies from earlier, but that was more...savory a snack. Now, he wanted a good 'dessert' after the show...and what's better for dessert than chocolate-chip cookies?

The fatty Rockruff monch, monch, monched away on the sweet little discs, package after package nomfed into his maw. He was forced to feel around for each next box in the crate, the storeroom quite dark as he had elected to keep the lights off, but this was fine. As was it fine that he likely spread around crumbs everywhere as he aggressively chomped away at his snacks; he couldn't see them, after all, so what did it matter?

The dark cooking-binging would likely have gone unabated to the very end of the cookie-crammed crate. That was how Ruffer had imagined it. What use would anybody have in entering the food storage room AFTER the show ended that day, after all?

Of course, that was the moment the emergency exit door - a door he'd not thought to keep an eye on - swung open from the outside. A harried-looking fluffer, one of the many staff who helped coordinate the removal of contestants from the show, looked around tensely. "Of course the tools warehouse doesn't have 'em..." the frazzled employee half-mumbled, half-ranted aloud. He perked up a fair bit more as he saw the back of Ruffer. "Oy! Host! Have you seen any ratchet straps around here? ...Wait, why are you here anyways?"

Ruffer froze mid-cookie-nibble, swinging his head around with a dumb expression...before, far too late, slurping the cookie out of view and into his snout. Not that the one would matter. The outside-light entered through the door in a line that Ruffer was directly in the center of, a natural spotlight being cast on him...the cookie crumbs around him...the open cookie crate...the packages of cookies littered around him...

Maybe that all could somehow be explained or smoothed-over, if it wasn't all capped off by his huge, hefty, heavy gut. The cookie-stuffed stomach called even more attention to itself as it glorped and gurgled, loudly struggling to work over the sheer mass of bready-chocolatetyness that Ruffer had practically sped down his throat. The noise echoed quite well in the high-roof storeroom, causing the frazzled employee's ears to shiver at the sound.

Looking ever-more frazzled, the poor workman blushed heartily. Perhaps he was held smitten for a moment from the scene, but his brow soon furrowed dutifully. "Heyyyy... Those are for the contestants! Ruffer...I'm gonna have to report this..."

Ruffer pouted at those words. Oh, not again. He sighed...or tried to, till it turned into a crumb-spitting belch, anyways.

Frazzled himself now, and quite upset to be caught, the Rockruff defiantly grabbed one more full cookie-box from the crate and stomped very dramatically past the worker and out the exit door, giving him a mean side-eye and mumbling, "You're lucky you're not a cookie rrrrrumblegrumble urp"

The worker stepped aside as that hefty Rockruff-gut's side squished into him, wisely realizing the host would take up most of the doorway as he stomped out. After the moody Pokemon had left the building, still stomping dramatically towards the parking lot, the worker merely sighed. He pulled out a walkie-talkie, pressing the button and dutifully letting the rest of the staff - including the showrunners, for that matter - of Ruffer's flagrant theft of company resources. It was an open-and-shut case for sure, given Ruffer had also stomped right past the exit door's security camera with that hefty gut.

As he put the walkie-talkie back away, the worker paused in confusion, finally processing the host's weird threat to him. "...I don't look anything like a cookie, though. I? Maybe a little like a chocolate cookie with white chocolate chips... Hmm. Mmm." he mumbled aloud, still not quite getting it. He shrugged, returning to task and entering the warehouse to look for that jack...

...Though passing the scene of the crime, the worker hesitated...before taking the last cookie in the last tray Ruffer had abandoned, quickly munching it down with a thought. I'd just be thrown away at this point, right? "Mmm... No...yeah. I wouldn't taste anything like that cookie. Man, Ruffer is weird..." He idly adjusted his tie, his tail now waggling thanks to the 'free' cookie. A self-reward for his dutiful call-in! ...He was sure nobody would mind~