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[COMM] Cael the Shadox - by AzuratheFox & Me by Charem

[COMM] Cael the Shadox - by AzuratheFox & Me


Fluffy, flabby, friendly! All wonderful traits that Cael the Shadox represented. This gal adds to the small but growing list of female Shadoxes out there, and she sure is a cutie~ All that fluff is unique, too; snow-white floof on a blue-toned Shadox is unusual, though obviously not impossible...and has a reason to exist on her. Normally, she's a Flammie; and some of those draconic traits pull over into her malleable ghost-dog form. (And it's why the silhouette behind her is a Flammie!)

She's quite the fatty, and really, talk about an adorable belly eh? That's some loose, squishy flab...she'd make a fantastic pillow~

This was a commission for   Caelthunderwing, that me and   azurathefox did! Another fun Shadox ref sheet~ ^^

Most Shadoxes wear their prayer tag from a cherished personal item, as it simply channels the spiritual energy of the tag the best. Cael's item here is a 'stretcher bracelet', designed just like the one her RL mom owned before she passed away. This makes this personal item one of the most personal yet that a person's Shadox has donned. <:3 I was very happy to work on something with that level of meaning, and dearly appreciate Cael putting such meaning into my species like this~

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Visual / Digital