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Look Into My Eyes by Chakat Stripedfur

Look into my eyes, what do you see?
Is it love?
Is it Something else?
Or is it only me?

What do you see looking back at you?
Is it the face of a loved one?
Or just another point of view?

What else can I tell you, what more is there to say?
Then to live for tomorrow,
to live day by day.

For tonight is ours, it belongs to us alone.
To keep,
to cherish,
to have and to own.

Only time will tell what will come on the morrow.
Minutes and hours stolen,
seconds to borrow.

And so I say, listen to your heart.
Though worlds may seperate us,
we will never be far apart.

For now my lady, 'tis only us two.
You with me,
and I with you.

And as I hold you tonight,
in my arms,
in pale moonlight.

I look into your eyes, and see.
Twin moons ablaze,
amidst a starry sea.

Though the reflection from the sky above,
pales in comparison,
to you, my love.

So hold me tightly, warm and tender.
So that I may rest,
in sweet surrender.

And if you should wonder if my love is true, or only lies.
I ask only this...
Look into my eyes.

Look Into My Eyes

Chakat Stripedfur

This is the first poem I wrote for my first commission from Rave Echidna, and it's also my favorite of all the ones I've written so far. (over 30 I think..). I think it just came together really well, and the imagery is nice. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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Literary / Poetry / Lyrics