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CATastrophe #23 by CATastrophecomics

CATastrophe #23


Coal seems to be enjoying the pampering!

Apologies for the delays, some of our team were moving house and we've been busy implementing a new secure distribution server for Patrons after some security issues with our paid content.

As a heads up!!! We will be starting a membership fee for our distribution server soon for those who keep stealing, being banned and creating new accounts. This is a one-time entrance fee upon membership to keep thieves discouraged from being banned then returning and having to pay the entrance fee every time for the same content. Those who are already patrons will not be asked to make this payment... so, a pretty great way to save yourself a few bucks in the next few days...hint hint].

Love the comic? Want more? Official patrons of the comic receive higher resolution pages before anyone else! In fact, right now you'll get to see all the way up to page 34, the start of a new chapter!

Paid, trusted members of our Patreon receive two pages a week and all of Milo's story so far in high definition for free!
The end of the month is coming up fast! Remember that you only receive the extra pages once we've confirmed your pledge is real by processing a payment, which happens in the first few days of the month. Now is a great time to put forward your pledges so you don't have to wait long for all your extra horse action!

This comic is a real labor of love for us all and your support is what makes it possible for us to produce it.

If you'd like to receive pages early or just help support the comic, you can visit our Patreon account at
We really appreciate it!

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    Well someone's sure getting an extra leg up if you know what I mean.