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Clowning Around by CarefreeGrizzly

Clowning Around


took a small break from the requests to draw this :D

Ruby’s been wearing the jester tank for a while now in my town and she looks so adorable!! A few days ago the Jester shirt was in my town and I immediately had to buy it so Ruby and I matched together ;u;

Ruby is so precious, I’m so lucky to have her in my town uwu)

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    Woo, AC:NL stuffs. I visited on my birthday last month and actually like, teared up at how sweet it was. Kyle, Fang, and Bruce. <3 It's a little sad how some digital villagers were more thoughtful on my birthday than almost everyone in my real life.

    PS; You also have a blue haired Villager too, yay! Mine was cosplaying as Marlon from Pokemon Black/White 2 the whole time.

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      niiice!! Ahhh, I had Chief in my old town, and in this one I have Lobo! Haha. Admittedly I must say that I like my villagers a lot more in this town compared to last uwu);; also, ahhh, villagers are just the sweetest mhmmm~ Also! Hehe, very nice! And yeah! Blue haired characters ftw awright, I actually cosplay Sayaka from Madoka Magica in my town, so I was quite pleased when I Was finally able to get a boys formal cut from Shampoodle xD

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        I've still had the same town the whole time... Kyle, Lobo, Fang, Chief (who seems to hate me), Freya, Bruce, Zell, Erik, Julian, and Genji. I was a big trader on the GameFAQs boards for awhile, so I did a lot of villager trades to get that group (Genji was for someone else, but he never wanted to move, so...). I just wanna take them all out of the game and live with them. x_x Especially Kyle. He's such a flirt, seriously.. <3