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Beewala by Buya



Name: Beewala “Darwin” Hublii
Species: Evoyan
Age: 30 (earth years)
Sex: Intersex
Gender: Agender (Ve/Ver/Vis)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5'6’’
Weight: 141 lbs
Eye Colour: dark blue/mint green
Hair Colour: variations of blue
Birthplace: Pahlaha Village, Mabet, Planet: Suyeem
Birth Date: September 23rd, 2720 (earth time)
Physical Characteristics: Very short fur. Two vertically stacked nasal openings. Brightly coloured flaps on top of head and on sides of neck, capable of flaring out. Brightly coloured “bead” in middle of tongue; when compressed by specialized muscles, releases powerful digestive enzymes used to defend self. Long fingered, dexterous hands. Prehensile tail. No genitals. All food is completely stripped of nourishment and most material by strong digestive enzymes, leaving small pellets of compacted powder to be coughed up. Brightly coloured, sensitive glands underneath eyes.
Large for a member of vis species. Prosthetic arm with good sensors. Numerous torso scars.
Temperament: Open and sweet. Excitable. Down to earth. Hospitable. Very difficult to anger. Temper is quiet, calm, but frightening. Intelligent, but sometimes too trusting. Humorous, as well as sarcastic. Social, but enjoys privacy. Eager to learn and teach. Lives in the moment. Stubborn.
Ability/Strength: Intelligent and intuitive. Tech-savvy. Amazing understanding of direction/navigation. Very flexible; capable of fitting through very tight spaces. Deadly oral secretion. Powerful eyesight and sense of hearing.
Weakness: Not very strong. Mostly deaf in left ear. Old injuries cause aching. Low tolerance for cold temperatures. Fear of loud noises. Insomnia/night terrors.
Social Class: Middle class.
Occupation: Cadet in training. Mostly guard duty.
Hobbies: Adores plants and enjoys raising them. Loves to read and educate self on all sorts of subjects.
Religion: Hasn’t decided. Passionate about studying many religions.
Political Preference: Liberal
Parents: Main caretakers are Paeti Eyuum, Nuaddem La and Bev Inde, all merchants.
Siblings: Kuip, Abnue, Oruud, and Loati Hublii
School: Completed home planet mandatory education. Now attending Pascella Defense Academy, hoping to obtain a degree in Navigation/Piloting.
Accomplishments: Traveled more than many members of vis race have dared. Accepted into the Academy. Achieves good grades. Proud physical trauma survivor.
Failures: Numerous mild crashes in trainee spacecrafts.
Quirks: Clicks teeth. Sleeps in bizarre positions. Collects colourful things. Quotes things, especially books, a lot. Ambidextrous. Omnivorous. Hates cold food.
Favourite Food: Honey.
Favourite Colour: Orange.
Trauma: Sucked into jet engine within first week of training, resulting in amputation of primary left arm, weakness/pain in secondary left arm, scarring, and near complete loss of hearing in left ear. Now ve suffers from pain and stiffness, fear of loud/sudden noises, and night terrors.
Theme Song: Live Like a Champion by The Kinnardlys

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Visual / Digital



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    Wow! Darwin looks so weird, yet ve's so adorable! How did you come up with vis design?

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      ve's definitely a creature made out of different sources of inspiration! what influenced vis design most are probably Stitch from Lilo and Stitch, Ori from Ori and the Blind Forest, Mune from Mune, and then just numerous animals such as cats, monkeys, and weasels. as for vis personality, ve's very much like one of my first oc's, just more finely tuned ; u ;