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Thallan by Buya



Name: Thallan Asos
Species: Roh
Age: 28
Sex: Intersex
Gender: Male (He/Him/His)
Sexuality: Gray-asexual
Height: 9'10’’
Weight: 420.6 lbs
Eye Colour: pale blue/amber
Hair Colour: ochre/sandy brown
Birthplace: Grrend Outpost, Oryutha, Planet: Teragma
Birth Date: January 17th, 2722 (earth time)
Physical Characteristics: Mammalian in appearance due to short, rough fur coat. Large, carnivorous teeth. “Prong” within shell of ear, used to enhance hearing by feeling vibrations. Powerful four-digit hands, clawed. Digitigrade legs, with five phalanges; three main toes where weight is placed, and two dewclaws. Long, muscular, semi-prehensile tail. Dense, heavy bones.
Small for a member of his species. Scar on nasal bridge. Commonly seen with favourite ballcap. Missing molar, seen when smiling wide.
Temperament: Friendly, but on guard. Mostly easygoing, but easy to annoy at times. Lack of self-confidence is root of defensiveness and occasional anger. Anger can be explosive, but overall short-lived. Very easily frustrated by unfamiliar situations. Puts up a confident front. Extremely protective and empathetic. Caring and affectionate when close to someone. Sensitive. Loner; a bit of a wallflower.
Ability/Strength: When focused, has a technical, rational mindset. Good at puzzle solving and repairing things, especially machinery. Size and strength is helpful in many situations. Powerful sense if smell and hearing. Good reflexes.
Weakness: Irrational when angry, easy to goad. Often can be too stubborn and will push himself too hard. Physically top-heavy with high center of weight, easy to unbalance and take down. Sense of smell and hearing can become downfall if exploited. Weight is too dense to allow strong swimming.
Social Class: Middle class, but is victim to racism and stereotyping. Fathers’ reputation protects him from more serious harassment.
Occupation: Interplanetary Spacecraft Mechanic or ISM
Hobbies: Drawing. Enjoys designing new spacecrafts and vehicles. Inherited father’s love of music, and enjoys collecting all sorts from different genres, races, and time periods.
Religion: Athiest, but is inspired by different religions and beliefs.
Political Preference: Liberal
Parents: Jay Cardinal and Kald Asos. Kald captains the exploratory spacecraft, Jargon 2. Jay is the ship’s lead xenobiologist.
Siblings: Biological sister Khafki M'Arallbe, deceased.
School: Completed Secondary and post-secondary apprenticeship. Was not fond of school.
Accomplishments: Certified ISM. Has explored many systems and planets throughout childhood.
Failures: Numerous failures to join the Search and Discover branch of the Pascella Defence Force, due to issues with teamwork and discrimination. His parents certainly don’t consider him a failure, but it’s his dream to work alongside them, so not getting in shames and embarrasses him.
Quirks: Can sleep anywhere, any time. Whistles and hums a lot, often unknowingly. Almost never has idle hands; fidgets, taps, picks at things, scratches, drums fingers on things. Left handed.
Favourite Food: Jerky. Loves all meat but plain old jerky is his favourite. Probably the result of constantly traveling through space and briefly living in campsites on different planets. Travel rations and dried food were a common thing to eat.
Favourite Colour: Indigo
Trauma: He doesn’t remember it, but the most traumatic thing to occur in his life was the genocide of his people. His species, the Roh, a race who’s main focus is war and domination, are made up of a few nations, some of them consisting of small groups scattered throughout the planet. Thallan came from one of these nomadic groups, who were viewed as weak, traitorous, due to their avoidance of conflict. They were eradicated by an extremist group, members of the powerhouse nation Orruga.
His race’s fear mongering and overall violent ways have caused a rift between them and other sentient races throughout the galaxy. They are hated, feared, and distrusted. Sadly, Thallan suffers the brunt of these feelings for his kind, and it certainly affects him.
Theme Song: Warrior by StepDad

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