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I Wanna Fly High by bunnikkila

I Wanna Fly High


So, a long time ago I was part of a Sonic group that was memorable for two reasons: One, it was the first to not give me shit about choosing to play Antoine (he was hardly the only Archie/SatAM character in previous groups but for some reason liking him was deemed worthy of derision).

And two, the pairing of the teen Tails played by Gojira007 on deviantArt and my own OC Pixie Glasswings. It was nothing planned (in fact they were both crushing on other characters when they met), but a ton of things happened and they ended as one of the most drama-free pairings in the group along with Antoine and Bunnie. (That's a little sad when you realize they were sixteen and the others were nominally adults, but inevitable when you remember that one of those nominal adults was Sonic.)

Anyway to this day Pixie and Tails are my big guilty pleasure OTP; there's a stigma regarding pairing your own characters with canon characters, but look how darned cute and happy they are. >_>

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  • Link

    Always thought that stigma was silly, myself! Don't see many dragonfly (or insects in general, with a slight caveat added for bees because Charmy being canon helps influence OC choices) Sonic OCs!

    • Link

      I know, and I love dragonflies! I tend to have weird species out of a sense of contrariness, though (one of mine is a bettong, though to be fair she used to be a Dark Legion echidna). X3

      • Link

        Ooh, the bettong sounds adorable, although they look mouse-like enough people probably make that mistake a lot!

        • Link

          Probably so and she honestly wouldn't care enough to correct them! XD