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Cosette et Abelard by bunnikkila

Cosette et Abelard


...I have a tendency to assign personalities and backstories to my Pokemon, and occasionally ship them. Cosette (the Delphox) and Abelard (the Lucario) are two of my team members from an XY run.

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Visual / Digital


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    All the personalities, backstories, and shippings! I totally do the same thing, although in my case it's semi-necessary as I have an OC Trainer and my main runs through the games basically star her. XD This is one of the best pieces in your gallery imo! :D

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      Oh! I have an OC trainer too, just not one of the images I've posted here yet. X3 Though I've only run her team once because I try to try out different Pokemon each time I play.

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        My main OC trainer has far too many Pokemon for anyone's good. Thankfully she has a friend that runs a ranch so they're not stuck in the PC constantly (not that said friend wasn't more than willing to lecture her about it. Considering their personalities I'm still not quite sure how they hit it off other than "I said so". XD)

        I've got some art drawn of her, but I wanted to limit what old stuff I put on my Weasyl. Originally it was just gonna be four images but I figured it would be kind of a crime to only post two Sailor Soldiers when I had three drawn. XD

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          Oh wow! My gal, Harmony, aspires to be a Pokemon Rehabilitator (she is from Lavender Town and volunteered at the Pokemon House there before leaving to learn more and raise money to open a rehabilitation center when she's an adult)... so that might be an interesting encounter. X3 Almost all of her Pokemon are actually abandoned Pokemon she took on, that kind of thing (though her main partner, her Cubone, she met because their mothers died around the same time).

          And yeah, I know what you mean on the limiting; I've done mostly newer stuff and a couple old things I like for balance. Basically what i've done within the past two months and a few balancers I can still stand to look at!

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            Hey, if you're into roleplay or anything I'd be totally open to having them hang out! Her profile and stuff is over at dA, I'd be happy to share! Although she's in Kalos for at least a while longer.

            You ever heard of The-IPL? They're this great group over at dA. They're totally awesome and a great place for Trainer (or w/e long as they have Pokemon) OCs. If you join just be sure to mention I referred you, I get credit for that haha. XD Also great if you're looking for critique on your art, which can be pretty hard to find at times.

            My main one is TECHNICALLY a Trainersona, but like most of my 'sonas she's also just a character. Aside from not wanting them in R34 and avoiding shipping (because it'd feel weird), I treat them like pretty much any other character.

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              I will definitely take a look - thanks for the tip!