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Comfort's First Meaning (SuperRisu) by BlueKittyTales

Comfort's First Meaning (SuperRisu)


Posted with kind permission from Vivian Truong, also known as SuperRisu. :3

Comfort was not made of stone, and neither was any part of James' body. Sometimes he had imagined reviewing chairs for a living, which he felt was a great use for his rump. He desired his love Flash to return home, even though he had only just left, but with the ideas racing through his mind, he knew that boredom wouldn't set in just yet. Indeed, he knew there were plenty of ways he could have fun alone.

He turned on the television in the living room to find a game show in full swing, although the suited quizmaster didn't capture his attention. He flicked through more of the channels, but he could find nothing that interested him. What he'd wanted most of all were wrestling matches, but there were none running just yet. He turned the television off, and just when he'd been about to reach for the stereo's remote, his mobile phone began to ring. He recognized the number in a heartbeat.

"Hey James, Flash here." said Flash before James could say anything. "My appointment just got cancelled, so I'm on my way back home now."

"Why's that?" asked James.

"I don't know." replied Flash. "I'll be back home in five minutes. And I want to see my favourite Skunker as sexy as ever."

"Whoa, you got it!" smiled James. "See ya!" And with that, he stripped down until only his fur remained, before he pulled every cushion from the sofa and threw them into a pile. If there was one thing better than getting to return to the company of his love even sooner than planned, it was being asked to please him as he got home - and James never liked to turn down the chance to give his rump something, or sometimes someone, comfortable to sit on. Arranging the cushions along the side of the sofa, he sank into them, looking lustfully towards the foyer. And as Flash's key turned in the look, he knew that what was in store for his love was something he wouldn't forget in a hurry.

"In here, my Skunker." purred James.

Now here's a gift that I purchased from SuperRisu at the convention - a token of my gratitude in the form of James trying out a number of cushions. I wanted to thank ReokuKurosai for getting me into conventions and cosplaying, and now it's set to become a very powerful addiction. I already have a massive desire to go to Furry conventions, but that won't be the only thing I plan to chase. ^^

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