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Defined Bond (Lightikea) by BlueKittyTales

Defined Bond (Lightikea)


Hatred was a word completely foreign when Flash and James were in one another's company. Love and desire were words they did know, and nothing personified this more than any of the times they went on dates together. They had lived in the same home together for a long while now, and while both still felt animosity towards those who had wronged him in the past, their focus lay with each other nowadays, and neither of them could think of anything that could remove that from them.

Flash came home from work that day to find nothing at home waiting for him than a handwritten note with rose petals sprinkled over it on the kitchen table. With a grin, he picked it up and read aloud:

Hey Skunker, it's James. I'll be waiting for you at the Light Pewter Tankard café. Meet me there at five o'clock. I can't wait to see you there, sweetie pie!

"Oh, James!" crowed Flash. "I thought you were a naughty little skunkie, but I see you're turning into an angelic one now."

When he arrived at the café, James immediately spotted him and called out to him, a frosty chocolate milkshake waiting for them in the centre of the table. Oblivious to a human at one of the tables covering his nose on sight of him, Flash rushed over to the table and caught James in a cuddle, the two touching noses just before they parted.

"I've missed you, Flashy!" cried James.

"It's only been a few hours, you know." said Flash. "Say, that milkshake looks nice! And there's two straws in it too!"

"I know it's your favourite." smiled James as Flash sat down.

"You're the only thing that could make it even better." said Flash with a wink.

"Oh, that's so corny, that is!" simpered James. "I love it, though. Really, I do." But Flash was too busy drinking the milkshake to take notice.

"Oh, James! You made the right choice coming here!"

"I did, didn't I?" smirked James, beginning to drink too.

"Women often talk about finding Mr Right." said Flash. "I might not be one, but I've found mine."

"And mine's right in front of me." simpered James.

"My Skunker, forever more." cooed Flash, as their heads bowed closer together. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

Alright, kicking my upload spree off is this image I bought from Lightikea for my friends ReokuKurosai and EclairTalon, showing their skunk couple James and Flash. Another adorable image of these two skunks, and it hasn't disappointed in the slightest. ^^

Flash belongs to EclairTalon EclairTalon.
James belongs to ReokuKurosai ReokuKurosai.

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