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Heart of the Sword Box by Aliehs Slade

Heart of the Sword Box

Aliehs Slade


There is a bit of a story with this one. As I mentioned under another posting, my grandfather is the one responsible for my getting into wood burning =) He is a talented wood worker and got into wood burning to decorate the boxes he would make. After I started burning I needed something to put my burner in and asked if he would make me a box modeled after one of my Rurouni Kenshin box sets. If you own one of these you know that the lid does not quite sit tightly on the box and will fall off if not wrapped with something. So my grandfathers solution was to make my box a slid top so when you view the actual box it gives the illusion that its a solid block of wood, when in reality it is a box =D But....once it was finished and we lined it I decided it was too nice to store my tools in =P So I just take it to show to put on display.

This was my 4th burning, it took me about 2 months to complete only because I worked on it on Thursdays for 2-3 hours at a time when attending our local carving club. The sides (which are not pictured) have the silhouetted scene of Mugen and Jin from Samurai Champloo during the opening with the swords sticking up from the ground (out of dead bodies which you cannot see XD) and the back has the same frame as the front with the lyrics to the Samurai Champloo opening. A bit of a mix and match but its what appealed to me =) A samurai box!

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Visual / Traditional