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RNG MonHun Vore 6 by Akaikosh

RNG MonHun Vore 6


A series of drawings I had been doing where I'd use a random list generator to pick a predator and its prey, then draw the results :)

Zamtrios are naturally very stretchy, which is a fantastic trait when hunting since they can stuff a lot of food into their belly in one sitting. Like this Zamtrios currently is here. He'd started with the Gendrome, and once the undesirable 'aftertaste' wore off, he swallowed down the Kut-ku in a single gulp. Najarala followed soon after, though not after putting up a good - and noisy - fight. After winning, Zamtrios slurped Najarala up like the glorified noodle it was, rounding out his belly nicely. Not about to stop there when his belly still had room for more, he crawled onward to find something else to eat.

That's when he spotted Tigrex, who was chattering with a Brachydios over by the ice caves. Zamtrios wiggled his body, readying to pounce upon the two. Brachydios saw Zamtrios about to land, leaping out of the way while the bloated monster landed right atop his Tigrex friend, pinning him down. Zamtrios quickly reached out and grabbed Brachydios before it could react, and began to swallow it down. When it was fully inside, then he'd wiggle his way off of Tigrex and devour him as well.

Zamtrios still wasn't exactly feeling full, even after eating Brachydios and Tigrex - who were struggling quite a bit inside him - but at this point he couldn't really move. There was too much prey weighing him down for bouncing to be an option, and he was finding it difficult to roll anywhere either. Perched above his distended stomach, Zamtrios nestled his head into his rounded tummy, preparing to sleep his meal off.

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