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Novel Characters :: Jerome by ainsley

Novel Characters :: Jerome


((Originally posted to Pillowfort: ))

Nobility needs protection. To this end, two groups were created: the Guardians, who protected most of the upper classes, and Royal Guards, who were the ones to protect the ruling class.

Consider the Royal Guards to be the "elite" version of the Guardians. You cannot become a Royal Guard without having been a Guardian. Guardians have one charge, Royal Guards will watch as many members of a family as their skills allow them. Often, this would be the entire direct lineage (parents, children, and sometimes grandparents and grandchildren). Guardians and Royal Guards are an inherently delphin tradition.

Jerome was the last of the Royal Guards to be trained. He managed to train in secrecy, as slaver rule of course made this a risky proposition. Even his Guardian training was hush hush. Training started early, when he was fifteen years old. He was an advanced student, so managed to not only complete the Guardian training, but his Royal Guard training.

He was intended to be the Guard of Snowhawk and Helaine's mothers, but by the time the two had been born, the former's mother was dead and the latter's mother disappeared from all records. There was also the small issue of, as they tried to rescue the two young delphin, Jerome and his mentor were captured.

His mentor did not survive.

To add insult to injury, they were on the wrong estate.

After forcing himself out of his grief, he began planning not only his escape, but the rescue of the two young delphin.

He would find a young delphin in his new master's home, and would begin training that child in secrecy. Sure, their master knew, but the idea entertained him. He thought he would cut it off before the younger one became a threat.

Then the slave revolts began.

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