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Emporer's New Groove Part 1 by AshestoAshcraft

Emporer's New Groove Part 1


My bff Hue's birthday was this month, so for his birthday, his mom bought him, myself, and two of our mutual friends tickets for a day at Denver Comic Con this year :D It was fragging awesome! I took soooo many photos of sooooo many cosplayers who did just some seriously amazing jobs, but my photos do not cover all the incredible cosplays there were - there were so many that I missed because the people cosplaying were busy or our small crew was headed to a panel, etc.

When we were taking a break, a couple of cosplayers walked by that we snagged some photos of, and omg looked JUST LIKE Pacha and Chicha! I was SOOOO excited to see them! :D When we asked to take their picture they were like "We got a Kuzco and a Kronk comin' too~" and I was like "God damnit I'm keeping my eyes peeled cuz I neeeeed a picture of them!" And I got one >:3

I don't know who either of the cosplayers featured here are, but if you're them or happen to know where in the wide world web I can find them, please let me know so I can link to their profiles to whatever wherever c:

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Visual / Photography