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Featured Friday Member: Bryan Akers by sanctumpolis

Featured Friday Member: Bryan Akers


Hello Dreamwalkers,

We are glad to present our fifth Featured Friday. The next Featured Team Member: Bryan Akers​.

"Hello everyone!

I am Bryan and I am composing the music for Sanctum Polis - Rest Eternal Memory!

I go by the moniker of Sleepmeld​, which is a band I formed with my friend, though I compose the music for this game by myself.
I am used to creating music that you can dance to but fall asleep to as well, and I try to implement this format in the OST for this video game.

I have been making music for many years but only recently did I start making music I felt proud of in general. It is a mixture of IDM, Techno/Pop, acoustic, and downtempo.

For Sanctum Polis, I have been interested in using more realistic-sounding instruments like strings, percussion, flutes, etc. but with a combination of pop/dance that gets stuck in your head.

When I am not making music for Sanctum Polis, I am working, going to school for my Masters in school counseling, playing video games, making music of my own, hanging with friends, or playing live shows when I have the opportunity.

Some of my favorite videos games include: Half-Life 2, Mirror's Edge, Beyond Good and Evil, Fez, Animal Crossing: New Leaf​, the EarthBound/MOTHER series, BioShock​, Gone Home, Life Is Strange​ goes on.

Some favorite bands or musicians I love or am influenced by are: Crystal Castles, Washed Out, Grimes, Burial, Disasterpeace, Kelly Bailey, capsule, Studio Killers, Radio Dept, Flying Lotus...that also goes on and on.

Being a part of the Sanctum Polis team has been an incredibly enriching experience so far and has allowed me to become a better musician as well! Thanks for all the support!"

Click on the link below to hear some of the composed music!

Power Up! [Sanctum Polis: Rest Eternal Memory OST]

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