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Entirety animal Species: Jurgk by FamiliarAlien

Entirety animal Species: Jurgk


What's this? TWO SPECIES IN A ROW???????????????? Amazing I know but I figured since I mentioned those parasites on hoshaet's sheet they ulimately needed a sheet so I did both at the same time.

Jurgks are a species of parasitic arthropods of the planet Desergen. Besides hanging out on giant sand... mole.. worm things they can be found independently in almost any location on the planet. They are fast moving and can jump decently long/high distances just like you'd imagine something this horrifying being able to do! They have powerful long teeth on the bottom of their face with a proboscis in between them. They use said teeth as well as their hook like feet to latch onto their prey. From there they suck whatever fluids they can from their new host which depending on the size and species usually leave them rather lethargic and weak within an hour or so. Their prey usually don't die because jurgk's sucking but generally because the desert is a crappy place for this to happen.
Also you may have notice something interesting: 4 legs. Most arthropods on Desergen have only 4 which is funny considering their are vertebrates on their planet with as many as 12. The universe is a strange and wonderful land of delights and horrors it seems

So enjoy!
Entirety and all creatures related to it belong to me

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