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Penumbra Debonair by Woofle

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Penumbra Debonair


This is a character theme, for one of the characters I've had the most fun writing in my dumb little project -- Jericho Reed.
This is his neutral theme for scenes dealing with him, and says a lot about him.

What we're dealing with here is an individual, who, at the relatively tender age of twenty seven, has raised himself all the way up through the ranks of the B'yada continent arm of the Thieves' Guild.
He's not a big talker, preferring to let people work out their own answers, and tends to focus on the job at hand. A master of delegation, he gets bored remaining in the black market city of Las Lunas, and often takes on jobs by himself to alleviate this.
He tends to carry a low opinion of other people, and his posture and poise make him out to be a man of noble birth. He dresses the part, although his clothes have an obvious 'lived in' quality to them. His hair is incredibly long, and not exactly organized, but clean and very well cared for. He seems to have a need to appear presentable.
Carrying an expensive Fidelis revolver on his hip, and tending to drink and smoke himself half to death on a daily basis, he makes his way through life chasing after the legend of an ancient island that probably doesn't exist.
Sure, he's usually got a girl on one arm (or sometimes a guy, if rumors are true) but he is driven by the need to get to this mythical island more than anything else.
Being a professional, he gets annoyed at people less capable than him, and often will leave them behind without a word.
He has taken the name of the ancient God of Shadows who is no longer worshipped: Jericho.

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  • Link

    This perfectly suits a vagabond. Like, scarily perfect, if Alvin met Auron kind of thing. And that first 5 seconds of percussion is fantastic!
    Sounds great ^^

    • Link

      Oh God, those are two of my favorite characters ever, too. ;~; I'm really glad I got the feelin' right, 'cause I was worried I couldn't nail it down at first. x3 Also, yay! The percussion part was really fun to work on for sure!! Thank you! :D