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Whitby Flanwed concept sheet by Sparkyopteryx

Whitby Flanwed concept sheet


A couple of concept sheets I've been working on in between other obligations. They depict the fiance's longstanding D&D character Whitby Flanwed (not to be confused with another Whitby in this gallery, who is a barghest and part of an entirely different setting!). He's a gnome lich, and a card-carrying member of the "Horrible Old Man Club." We are resurrecting this old and defunct campaign that he was in and using the Pathfinder rules this time, so I figured it was appropriate to finally draw him.

First image is entirely me pinning down what his outfit looks like! Multiple time periods were drawn on for inspiration, but I can say it was primarily between the 1500s through the late 1600s, especially with the convention of multiple clothing layers and fabric (he even sports a "Vandyke"-inspired beard, also common in the 1600s!). Despite most liches being very evil, he is actually quite the opposite. As an attempt to make his more living colleagues more comfortable around him he wears all of these layers to somewhat disguise the fact that he is frightfully (I made a pun) thin. And that limp is simply an affectation that lets him pull off the "frail old gnome" act very well.

If you compare the two pages you can see I ended up streamlining the silhouette of the hat I designed; I like it a lot more in the lower sketches, and I also refined his features somewhat. Even though he's undead I didn't want him looking...rotten, since he's supposed to be a sympathetic character instead of one that inspires horror (although he can do that as well if he wanted). Doesn't mean his grin is any less creepy, though. And as the fiance so aptly put it: He continues the tradition of characters with black lips, hah.

Planning a more polished piece with him in it, but first I must finish the concept for his knight, Lady Antella! I'll share that one in the future, whenever I get most of my commissions and trades finished. Ahh, I need to get back into my dedicated fantasy art again; I've lost touch with it.

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Visual / Traditional


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    I've said much about this, but I can honestly say that I greatly appreciate what you've done; It looks stunning, and he's very unique among the rest of my characters.

    A beacon of light in what would otherwise be a very disappointing week. Thank you.

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      Kinda one of the reasons I did the second page; 'cause I knew you weren't having a good couple days so I figured more drawings of him would cheer you up.

      I read "beacon" as "bacon" for a split second there.